
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月22日 12:27   英语教师网

  L 

  large 

  [误] He found a large number of mistake in his homework.

  [正] He found a large number of mistakes in his homework.

  [析] "a large number of + 复数名词",意为大量的。

  last 

  [误] This is the newest news.

  [正] This is the latest news.

  [析] "最新消息"应为latest news,因为最晚到的新闻才是最新消息,请注意英语与汉语的区别。

  last the last 

  [误] I saw my brother the last week.

  [正] I saw my brother last week.

  [析] 当谈到与目前有关的上月、上星期等概念时只能用last month, last week, 而不能加定冠词,the last 可用于表示一系列词的最后一个,如: That was the last Christmas I spent at home. 但the last可以用来表示持续到现在的一个长时期,如: I am busy for the last week.

  late 

  [误] Yesterday I went home lately.

  [正] Yesterday I went home late.

  [析] late即可做形容词又可作副词;而lately则意为"最近的",如: I haven't seen her lately.

  late latter later lately 

  late有两个比较级,指时间较晚应用later,如口语中常讲: See you later. (一会见。)而latter则指按顺序讲的后者,或靠后的,其反意词为former,如: the former president(前总统)。又如: I can understand the latter part of the story. 而lately则意为"近来"、"不久前"。laughed at by his classmates. 中的at是不可省掉的。laugh over 则指"笑着谈论"某事,如 We laugh over the film. (我们笑着谈论那个电影。)

  lay 

  [误] We lied on the beach.

  [正] We lay on the beach.

  [析] 英文中有三个动词易混,在考试中也频频出现,它们的现在式,过去式,过去分词以及现在分词是: 

  lay (vt. 放) laid laid laying

  lie(vi. 躺) lay lain cying

  lie(vi. 说谎) lied lied lying

  learn 

  [误] The teacher said:"You must study this poem by heart."

  [正] The teacher said:"You must learn this poem by heart."

  [析] study与learn在作"学习"讲时,常常可以互换,但learn侧重于学习成果或初级阶段的模仿性学习,如:The little baby is learning to walk. 而study则多侧重于学习的过程,如: I'm studying at this college. 而learn…by heart则是"记住"、"背诵"之意。

  leave 

  [误] I'll leave Beijing to Shanghai.

  [正] I'll leave Beijing for Shanghai.

  [析] leave for一词组为"去某地",如对话中常讲I'll leave for Shanghai. 因所离开的地点是双方都知道的则可以省略。

  leave forget 

  [误] I've forgotten my homework at home.

  [正] I've forgotten my homework.

  [正] I've left my homework at home.

  [析] 如果句中有地点状语则不要用forget, 而要用leave.

  lesson 

  [误] I have two lessons of English.

  [正] I have two English lessons.

  [正] I have two lessons in English.

  [析] "我有两节英语课。"这一表达法如上,但美国老师讲他有两节课时则多用"I have two classes."teach somebody a lesson 为"教训某人",或"要吸取教训",如: Let this thing teaches you a lesson.

  lend 

  [误] Please borrow me your bike.

  [正] Please lend me your bike.

  [析] borrow是指"借入",如: I want to borrow some books from the library. lend 是"借出",如: I can lend you my bike. 而keep为"借多久": 如 How long can I keep it?

  less 

  [误] He has fewer money than she has.

  [正] He has less money than she has.

  [析] less是little的比较级,而fewer是few的比较级。要注意前者修饰不可数名词,而后者修饰可数名词。

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