第四部分 配偶详情(Partner's details)
序号 应该填写的内容
1 配偶姓名、汉字写法、性别、出生年月日、出生地(Partner's full time ,partner's in your Chinese language,sex, date of birth,place of birth)
2 配偶国籍或者在澳大利亚居住身份、目前居住国家、住址、电话号码、传真号码、电子邮件地址(What is you partner's citizenship/residence status in Australia ?Partner's country of current residence,residential address,telephone number, fax,number, fax number,email address)
3 配偶经常性职业(Partner's usual occupation)
4 配偶以前是否有婚史,如果是,提供配偶前夫/妻的姓名、出生年月日、婚姻关系起止日期、如何终止的、育有多少孩子(Has your previously been married or been in a de facto or interdependent relationship? If yes, provide name of previous partner,date of birth,period of marriage or relationship? How did it end? Number of children)
5 配偶家庭成员详情;包括父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和其他受抚养者(Details of all your partner's family, including partner's parents,brothers and sisters,children and other dependents)
第五部分 恋爱婚姻详情(Details of love and marriage)
序号 应该填写的内容
1 何时、何地两人相识?(When and where did you and your first meet?)
2 何时、何地两人开始配偶关系?(When and where did you begin a relationship with your partner?)
3 两人准备维持持久的关系吗?(Do you and your partner intend to maintain a lasting relationship?)
4 如果你和你的配偶是一种同居关系,你同时还和其他人保持有法律上的婚姻关系吗?(If and your partner are living in de facto or interdependent relationship, and either of you still legally married to another person?)
5 两人发生这种关系仅仅是为了获得在澳大利亚永久居留身份吗?(Did you enter into this relationship with your partner solely to gain permanent residence in Australia?)
6 提供婚姻细节(Give details of marriage)
7 你和你的配偶是一种同居关系,你和你的配偶有血缘、收养关系吗?(If you are in an interdependent or de facto relationship, are you related to your by blood or adoption?)
8 如果你在澳大利亚申请,你入境时持有临时婚姻签证V300而且准备和担保人结婚吗?(If are applying in Australia,did you enter Australia as the holder of a subclass 300(Prospective marriage) visa and marry your sponsor?)
9 如果两人关系终止,你会通知移民部吗?(Will you inform the Department if your relationship with your partner ends before this application is decided?)
第六部分 健康和品格(Health and character)
序号 应该填写的内容
1 申请中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否曾经有过、或者现在有肺结核或任何其他严重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或残疾,如果是,请提供是否需要治疗、所需开支、危及他人等详情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness) ,condition or disability?)
2 申请中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否受过刑事处罚,如果是,请提供详情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, even been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details)
3 申请中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否服过兵役(Has the child,or any other person ,included in this application or not,ever served in the armed forces?)
4 过去 10年中居住超过 12个月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more during the last 10 years?Dates lived)
5 申请人以前是否被移民部书面允许在澳大利亚工作?(Have you ever been written permission by the Department of Immigration to work in Australia?
6 以前是否从澳大利亚领取过福利金(Have you ever been paid any benefits or received any social services from a government agency in Australia?)
7 是在澳大利亚境内还是境外申请(Are you apply in Australia or outside Australia?)