

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月20日 11:54   新浪教育

  Linguarama, Bath

  Linguarama, London

  Linguarama, Stratford-upon-Avon

  Liverpool Community College

  Liverpool Hope University

  London Guildhall University

  London House School of English

  The London Institute

  London Meridian College

  The London School of English

  London Study Centre

  LTC International College

  Lydbury English Centre


  Malvern House

  Manchester Academy of English

  Manchester College of Arts & Technology (MANCAT)

  Margate Language Centre

  Mayfair School of English

  Mayfield Academy of English

  Mayflower College of English

  Meads School of English

  Melton College

  Mercator Language School

  Meridian School of English

  Middlesbrough College

  Millfield English Language School

  Milner School of English, Wimbledon

  M.L.S. International College

  MM Oxford Study Service

  Multi Lingua

  New College Nottingham

  The New School of English

  Newbold College

  Newcastle College

  North East Surrey College of Technology (NESCOT)

  Norwich Institute for Languages Education (NILE)

  Northbrook College

  Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE)

  Nottingham Trent University


  Oaklands College

  OISE Intensive Language Schools, Cambridge

  OISE Intensive Language Schools, Oxford

  OISE Intensive Language Schools, Young Language Schools

  Olivet English Language School

  Our World English Schools

  Oxford Brookes University, ICELS

  Oxford and Cherwell College

  The Oxford English Centre

  Oxford House College

  Oxford House School of English

  Oxford School of English

  Padworth College

  Park House Training

  Park Lane College

  Parkland International Language School

  Pembrokeshire College

  Perth College Language School

  Peterborough Regional College

  Pilgrims (year round)

  Pilgrims (summer multicentres)

  Polyglot Language Centre


  Queen Mary, University of London


  Randolph School of English

  Reading College and School of Arts & Design

  Regent Brighton

  Regent Cambridge

  Regent Edinburgh

  Regent Fitzroy

  Regent Language Holidays

  Regent Language Homestay

  Regent London

  Regent Oxford

  Regent Trebinshun

  Richard Language College

  Richmond Adult Community College

  Richmond The American International University in London

  Richmond Upon Thames College

  Salisbury College

  The Salisbury School of English

  Scanbrit School of English

  Scarborough International School

  School of English Studies Folkstone

  Select English Cambridge

  Select English (Formally Angloschool)

  Sels College

  Severnvale Academy

  Shakespeare School of English at Warwickshire College

  Shane Global Village, London

  Shane Global Village, Vacation courses



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