

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月20日 11:54   新浪教育

  Bell London

  Bell Norwich

  Bell Saffron Walden

  Bell Young Learners

  Bidbury Greywalls

  Boston College

  Bournemouth and Poole College

  Bournemouth Business School International

  Bournemouth International School

  Bracknell and Wokingham College

  Bradford Community College

  Brasshouse Language Centre

  British Study Centres Brighton

  British Study Centres Oxford

  Broxtowe College

  Buckswood School

  The Burlington School of English


  Cambridge Academy of English

  Cambridge Centre for English Studies

  Cambridge Centre for Languages, Young Learners

  Cambridge Language and Activity Courses

  The Cambridge School of English

  Camden College of English

  Canterbury Christ Church University College

  Canterbury Language Training

  Carl Duisberg Language Centre

  Central School of English

  Centre for English Language Teaching (CELT)

  Channel School of English

  Chelmsford College

  Cheltenham International Language Centre at University of Gloucestershire

  Cheltenham School of English

  Chichester College of Arts, Science and Technology

  Christian English Language Centre

  Churchill House English Home Tuition Courses

  Churchill House School of English Language

  Cicero Languages International

  City College Brighton & Hove

  City College Manchester

  City of Bath College

  City of Bristol College

  Colchester English Study Centre

  Colchester Institute

  Coleg Glan Hafren

  College of North West London

  College of Ripon and York St John

  College of St.Mark and St.John

  Concord College

  Concorde International Business Centre

  Concorde International Summer Schools

  Coventry Technical College English Centre

  Crawley College

  Crest Schools of English


  The Devon School of English

  Discovery Summer Centre

  Dudley College of Technology, the Lexis Centre

  Dundee International College


  Eagle International School

  East Sussex School of English

  Eastbourne School of English

  Eaton Language Centre

  EC Brighton

  The Eckersley School of English

  ECS Scotland

  Edinburgh School of English

  Edinburgh Telford College

  Edwards Language School

  EF Executive

  EF International School of English, Bournemouth

  EF International School of English, Brighton

  EF International School of English, Cambridge

  EF International School of English, London

  The Elizabeth Johnson Organisation (EJO)

  ELS Language Centre (UK) London

  ELT Banbury

  Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Cambridge

  Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Hastings

  Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Hove

  Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, London

  Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Oxford

  Embassy CES Vacation Course Centres

  English 2000 School of English

  English and Cultural Studies Centres (ECSC)

  English Country School

  The English Experience

  English for You

  English in Chester

  English in Exeter

  English in London (SKOLA)

  English in York / SLS

  English Language Centre



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