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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 2053年避暑胜地阿拉斯加--漫画解读

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/15 10:51  北京青年报

  In January 2053, a middle-aged man is sitting on a tropical beach with a cool drink in his hand. It's his vacation, but he's notshavingsa good time: His peace of mind is disturbed by thoughts of environmental agitators. People are constantly upsetting him with talk of global warming and the need to curb certain kinds of economic development. He thinks the talk is motivated by blinkered ideology, not a rational assessment of natural change. The man seems to be in his fifties - a successful businessman, we guess, self-confident and opinionated. Andswheresis this loudmouthed corporate executive taking his holiday? On the balmy seashore of Juneau... Alaska!

  In this cartoon David Horsey is lampooning the business types - corporate executives of the sort that have President Bush's ear - who still insist that there is no conclusive evidence of global warming. As recently as five years ago the scientific community was split over the issue, but incoming data have since moved most scientistssintosthe camp of those who think that the rise in global average temperatures is very real and very alarming.What can be done about it, if anything, is another matter.

  But for the businessman, it's all "hype" . This is a good word for English-learners to add to their vocabulary. It means the exaggerated claims and show-biz (= show business, i.e. from the entertainment industry) techniques that are used to generate excitement and draw media attention when a new product is launched. The uncountable noun, probably a shortening of "hyperbole", comes out of the world of advertising but is now widely used in political as well as business contexts.

  English-speakers might also say that the executive is "in denial". This is a psychotherapeutic term that has become part of the general language. People are in denial when they cannot bring themselves to admit what is obvious but disagreeable, truths that they do not wish to acknowledge. Being in denial, however, is a stage on the way to accepting the unpleasant reality. But is our businessman edging towards the truth? Maybe not.





  英语国家的人可能会说这位总裁是在in denial(自我防卫),这是个心理疗法的术语,如今已进入到一般语言中。当你不能使自己承认那些显而易见但又令你讨厌的事情——那些你不想承认的真理,你就是在自我防卫。然而,处于自我防卫是走上接受不愉快的现实之路的一个台阶,但我们这位总裁是处于走向真理的边缘吗?未必。

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