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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 新闻漫画解读:福克斯和半岛可信吗

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/09 10:15  北京青年报

  It is probably fair to say that in times of peace TV news does not inspire much respect among thoughtful people. The pressure on reporters and editors to find images that capture the public's at-tention inevitably means that significant but not easily illustrated stories are slighted. Other stories are simplified: 30 to 60 seconds of commentary does not allow for much depth.

  When war breaks out, however, pictures become very important. They have a you-are-there eyewitness impact that press accounts①lack. Pictures have great power to disturb and persuade, especially when backed up with effective com-mentary. Suddenly the bias of what is aired becomes a matter of great concern.

  In David Horsey's cartoon, an Iraqi is watching the news on Al Jazeera, the pan-Arabic satellite news service that operates out of Qatar. The Al Jazeera staff includes many reporters who formerly worked for the widely respected BBC Arabic service, but there is no doubt that the news as they present it has an Arab slant. Meanwhile, the American soldier in his tank is watching Fox News, which makes a selling point of its patriotism, not to say nationalism. For this it has been roundly criticized in America, but its un-abashed patriotic tone has won it a growing proportion of US viewers, and thus greater advertising revenues. People seeking the truth from such broadcasts must, Horsey suggests, listen with all their critical faculties on high alert.





  在和平时期,电视新闻并不太受有识之士的青睐,这么说恐怕是公道的。由于电视记者和编辑有压力———要去发现能抓住公众眼球的画面,这就不可避免地使那些有意义但不易用画面表现的事件受到忽视。其他事件也被简化了: 30-60秒的评论不可能多有深度。



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