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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 新闻漫画解读:“幸运”的切尔西

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/31 10:32  北京青年报

  After graduating from Stanford in 2001, President Clinton's daughter Chelsea went to Oxford for further study. Recently she returned to America, and left-wing cartoonist Ted Rall imagines what her job hunt must be like. Here Ms Clinton is in the office of the personnel di-rector of a major New York firm - notice the view out the panoramic window. Though she is the one looking for a job, he is busy buttering her up,①and incidentally making Rall's ironic point: "It's no surprise that, in the midst of rampant unemployment, you're fielding numerous offers."

  In the current economic downturn, the firm has no doubt already laid off a good number of bright young peo-ple like Ms Clinton. Why, then, the eagerness to secure her for the firm? It's not her brains they're after: she doesn't even need to show up. What they crave is "access", the power to open doors and gain a hearing that the Clinton name will provide. The ,000 is being offered for Chelsea's surname and her father's Rolodex.

  "Rolodex" is the commercial name of a common in-dex system much used by busy executives. It is a device consisting of alphabetized cards on a circular metallic frame, which can be rotated and allows for rapid checking. President Clinton's Rolodex would contain the private phone numbers of powerful figures in politics and business.

  Will Chelsea take the job? Maybe. The personnel di-rector is astounded: at the still tender age of 23 she can turn down ,000! Chelsea's final comment is a pun: a "classless society" ordinarily means one without economic or social classes, but in her case may simply mean one without classes in school, plus a lot of money and deference.

  Americans often envision their country as in some sense "classless". Of course, everyone knows that classes exist, but they are, successful people like to think, open; so-cial mobility is great, so anyone with energy or talent can rise from the working class to the middle or upper middle class or beyond. Ted Rall disagrees: for some people, he tells us, getting ahead is vastly easier than for others.





  切尔西会接受这份工作吗?不一定。人事部主任吃惊了:小小的23岁竟然可能拒绝10万美元的年薪!切尔西最后的一句是个双关语:"classless society"通常是指在经济地位或社会地位方面不存在种种阶层的社会。而在切尔西看来,该词可能只意味着再不用选修任何课程(class一词在英文中既可指"阶层、阶级",也可指"课程"),外加大把的钱和别人的恭敬。


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