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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 新闻漫画解读:你要把我们带哪儿去

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/13 09:40  北京青年报

  In Western cities it is not rare to come upon a blind man accompanied by a very serious dog in a harness. This is a "seeing-eye dog", an animal specially trained to help the blind get about in public. These intelligent and gentle dogs are extremely popular - passers-by are always tempted to pet or talk to them - but they are trained to ignore such overtures. But what happens if a poorly trained seeing-eye dog meets up with a cat? What ensues is not likely to be fun for its blind master.

  Fortunately, certified seeing-eye dogs are invari-ably conscientious in their duties, but in today's cartoon American Pat Oliphant plays darkly with the image of a hound running amok. Here Uncle Sam is the blind man and his canine helper is none other than George W. Bush, as is unmistakable for anyone who follows Oliphant's cartoons. Here Oliphant makes Bush out to be a scrawny beast, not the muscular and rather cuddly sort of working dog that most real seeing-eye dogs are.

  The hound's attention is fixed on a cat with the head of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Demon cat and dopey dog are dashingsintosthe roadway. At least they're on a pedestrian crossing, but if the little bird is correct, Uncle Sam, Bush and Hussein are all likely to be crushed by "that 18-wheeler" coming down the street, an 18-wheeler being a huge truck for hauling heavy cargo. It's a sure bet that a loaded vehicle of that size will not be able to stop on a dime.

  Oliphant is echoing the fears of many Americans when he has Uncle Sam shout, "What's the great rush [to go to war with Saddam's regime]?swheresare you taking us, for God's sake?" His presentiments of what the future holds for all are plainly not cheering.






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