2008年09月05日 17:47 新浪教育
![]() 比尔盖茨
To be a guy who lives a house that costs $97 million and has 66,000 square feet of living space, employing 300, a pool, boat dock, an 8 hole putting range, and even a salmon hatchery, you must have to be a pretty rich guy. In fact, the richest guy in America. 有个小伙子,他住在占地66000平方英尺,价值9700万美元的房子里。他雇佣了300个工人,房子里有游泳池,私人码头,8球洞的 高尔夫练球场,甚至还有一个用来制作名贵鱼子酱的三文鱼孵卵场。这真是一个有钱的小伙子。事实上,他是美国最有钱的小伙子。Well, Bill Gates started his rich life style when he was about 14. Wouldn't you like to be that rich? 比尔盖茨14岁就开始了他的富豪生活。你难道不想像他一样有钱吗? Lesson1: Choose Your Grandparents Carefully 小心投胎,挑个好祖父母 "There are three ways to make money. You can inherit it. You can marry it. You can steal it." --conventional sisdom in Italy. 有句意大利民谚说得好:“挣钱的办法有三种:第一靠继承,第二靠婚姻,第三靠偷窃。” William Henry Gates III made his best decision on October28, 1955, the night he was born. He chose J.W. Maxell as his great-grandfather. Maxwell founded Seattle's National City Bank in 1906. His son, James Willard Maxwell was also a banker and established a million-dollar trust fund for William Henry Gates III. 1955年10月28日的晚上,威廉·亨利·盖茨第三(他的绰号叫比尔)出生了。詹姆斯·威拉德·马克斯韦尔是他的外曾祖父。1906年,马克斯韦尔在西雅图创建了美国城市银行。马克斯韦尔的儿子詹姆斯·威拉德·马克斯韦尔也成为一个银行家,并且为他们的外孙子比尔盖茨留下了100万美元的托管基金。
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