2008年10月20日 14:39 新浪教育
Taking Supplements 吃补品
Taking Supplements 吃补品 The supplements industry claims its products can boost your intelligence. Intelligent enough to check out the scientific basis for those claims? Pill purveyors better hope not. 补品产业声称他们的产品可以让你变得更加聪明。那么会不会聪明到知道核实一下他们这种说法的科学依据呢?那些补药的经销商估计不希望这样。 B Vitamins 维生素B Useful for staving off Alzheimer's16), but don't expect it to help you solve that sudoku17). 有助于预防老年痴呆症的发生,然而别指望它可以帮你做数独游戏。 Ginseng 人参 Might regulate glucose, which may improve cognition, but that's a whole lot of maybe. 或许它能用来调节葡萄糖的浓度,有助于改善认知能力,然而这一说法有太多的未知因素。 10. have a thing for:对……有强烈的好感 11. docosahexaenic acid:二十二碳六烯酸,一种多元不饱和 脂肪酸12. membrane n. 膜,隔膜 13. methylmercury n. 甲基水银 14. PCBs :polychlorinated biphenyls的缩写,多氯联苯
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