

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月21日 11:43   新浪教育


  14 Funky Ways To Calm Your Nerves Consistently:

  “ Smile, breathe and go slowly” by Thich Nhat Hanh Zen Buddhist

  Do yourself a favor and add more deliberatemoments of relaxation and deep rest into your day. This article is a reminder of the many ways you can put yourself first more often and soothe your nerves consistently. You can also tell where my focus is at the moment ……. nourishing my nervous system.

  Calming your nerves means reducing your mental and physical activity. Withdrawing regularly from excess stimulation such as media, phones, driving, toxic city noise and busy places and allowing yourself a moment in time to dissolve your fatigue and stress.

  14 Ideas For Calming Your Nerves Consistently:

  1: Melt the frown. Smile. Release any worry, stress and tension by relaxing your facial muscles. Picture softening your forehead, cheeks, eyes, tongue, ears and scalp. Keep your mouth slightly open which unlocks the tension in your jaw and neck. Let your tongue float in your mouth. Use a mirror to check in with your face muscles or better still do what I do. Have a few figurines near your work desk such as Mr Happy and Little Miss Sunshine to remind you to smile more often and lose that frown.

  2: Take a chill pill. Close your eyes, cup the palms of your hands over your ears, now listen to the sounds of the ocean playing inside your head. Continue until you feel your nerves a little less frazzled, your thoughts a little calmer and your breathing more relaxed.

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