

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月21日 11:43   新浪教育

  7: Calm your nerves by turning your back to the world: This is in my top 3 all time favorite relaxation postures in the world. Its such a simple way to calm an overcrowded mind, call back your scattered energies back, calm your breathing and relax. Click here for full details. I promise you’ll love it.

  8: Hug well and hug often: Give a hug or receive a hug, either way hug well and hug often. Heh, even give yourself a hug. Hugging and cuddling is therapeutic, healing and calming. According to Virginia Satir a family therapist; we need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs a day for maintenance and 12 hugs a day for growth. Whats your daily hug quota?

  9: Rest your eyes: When you relax your eyes you are inviting your mind and body to follow. Do yourself a favor and grab yourself a yoga eye pillow and enjoy 5 minutes of relaxation. You may even want to make your own find out more here about the benefits of yoga eye pillows:

  10: Self massage nourishes your nervous system: I love my early morning “warm” oil massage. Touch is healing and extremely nourishing to your body. Self massage releases happy feelings into your body, improves circulation and supports the removal of toxins from your body. There are simply loads of benefits.

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