

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月21日 11:43   新浪教育

  Whilst “self massage” might seem like hard work at first, I can guarantee you’ll soon notice a difference. I recently wrote an article on self massage which you are very welcome to read here:

  11: Cancel, clear, delete your energy drains: Notice what zaps your precious energy and reduce your exposure to gossip, shopping centers, busy places, certain friends or family members. Better still cancel, clear and delete their existence in your life.

  12: Give yourself a chocolate facial: Warning! This is very addicted. Licking is definitely allowed as long as no one is looking.

  13: Hum your worries away: Time to Hum. Place your hand on top of your head,smile, now start humming. Feel the healing vibration of the hum reach the top of your head. Your clever hum will brush away the cob webs, soothe your mind, relax your face muscles and nourish your nervous system.

  If humming doesn’t do it for you then unleash your inner pop star and have some fun. Buy the newly released Mamma Mia! DVDcial Edition) it includes all the words to all the songs so now there is no excuse for releasing all that stress with a good verse of dancing queen, money, money, money or take a chance on me. You know you want to.

  14: Sip a calming potion: If all else fails then do what I do; grab for my bottle of passion flower. I know for a fact that the medicinal herb of passion flower calms my energies in an instant. It great for insomnia and nervousness and has a sedative effect on your nervous system. Around one teaspoon sends a warm calming feeling throughout my body.

  Thanks so much for reading my article, Carole.You are welcome to come back and visit my blog the Rejuvenation Lounge anytime or grab daily rejuvenation tips from me over at twitter.

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