

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月21日 11:43   新浪教育

  3: Turn off the noise: Silence nourishes your body, mind and soul. Silence is very restorative. Toxic urban noise is never ending and can be a constant background stress that you may not be aware of. Tune into your hearing and notice which sounds irritate you. Take a five minute “no noise” break. Alternately turn down or turn off any unnecessary stressful noise.

  4: Repeat a calming mantra: Use your thoughts to fuel your body with a constant stream of calming and relaxing thoughts. Mantras work because they take your focus away from the stress and drama (just for a moment) and invite more peace into your life. Here’s a few of my favorites that you might like use. “I will remember to breathe and relax moment by moment” One of my personal favorites is “Every cell in my body is loved and healthy”. Breath in “I am calm” breathe out “I smile”

  5: Take a mental health break: A less crowded mind means your nervous system is calmer. Take regular breaks from too much thinking and bring your awareness back into your body. Do your best to have an enjoyable morning and afternoon tea away from your desk in a pleasant environment. Listen to the requests of your body, drink when thirsty, stretch and move when you need to and never skip a meal. An added bonus; A quiet mind has direct access to wisdom and insight.

  6: Adjust your breathing: Find some calm: Make your “out” breath twice as long as your “in” breath. This will immediately calm you down. Your breathing directly reflects your stress levels. If you breathing is fast, tight and shallow then I encourage to read my article: 15 clever things to know about your breathing

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