
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月31日 11:39   新浪教育


  第二章 日常生活   第三节 数字、时间与日期 29时间

  几点了?What time is it?

  我的表快了。My watch is fast。

  你能把闹钟定在六点吗?Could you set the alarm for six?

  现在是9点整。It’s exactly nine o’clock。

  马上到9点了。It’s almost nine。

  现在是9点十分。It’s ten past nine。

  现在是9点一刻。It’s nine fifteen。

  现在是9点30分。It’s nine thirty。

  现在是9点45分。It’s nine forty-five。

  现在是9点50分。It’s ten to ten。

  现在是中午12点。It’s noon。

  现在是上午8点。It’s 8 am。

  About the Time

  Fred:What time is it?

  Dina:8:50 (ten to nine)。

  Fred:Your watch is 10 minutes slow, so it should be 9:00 (nine sharp). I’m gonna be late again. What will my excuse be this time? We should’ve set the alarm for 7:30.

  Dina:Don’t cry over spilt milk. Fred, could you stay with me a few more minutes?

  Fred:What, why? What’s wrong with you?

  Dina:I just hate being alone at home with nothing to do but listen to the clock ticking. It’s so lonely and boring. My sickness makes it worse. When will I recover?

  Fred:You’ll be fine in a couple of months. Just be patient. I’ve got to go to work now or I’ll be late。

  Dina:You only care about your work。

  Fred:Sorry, baby. You’re everything to me. All I do is for this family。

  Dina:Stay just a few minutes longer, okay?

  Fred:OK. I’ll leave at 9:15. Is that all right?


  Fred:I’ll spend more time with you in the future, Dina。

  Dina:Thank you。

  第二章 日常生活   第三节 数字、时间与日期 30日期

  今天几号?What’s the date?

  今天是10号。It’s the tenth。

  今天是8月1日。It’s August first。

  今天是星期几?What day is it today?


  I don’t have a calendar, so I don’t know the date。

  今天是2009年10月5日星期一。It’s Monday, October 5th, 2009.

  我们打算六月二十号离开这里。We plan to leave this place on June 20th。

  你的出生日期是什么时候?What’s your date of birth?

  你的生日是哪天?When is your birthday?

  About the Date

  Paul:I need to go to the bank。

  Jenny:But they’re all closed today。

  Paul:Closed? Are you kidding? What is it, some kind of holiday today?

  Jenny:Have you already forgotten? What’s the date today?

  Paul:It’s... Oh, it’s the first of April. April Fool’s Day!

  Jenny:You forgot all about it, didn’t you?

  Paul:Sort of, but it has reminded me of at least one thing I need to remember。

  Jenny:What’s that?

  Paul:Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday。

  Jenny: Better not forget that, she’ll kill you if you don’t get her something. It’s pretty strange that your wife’s birthday changes every year. Why is that?

  Paul:My wife is a Chinese. She celebrates her birthday according to the lunar calendar。

  Jenny:Ah, I got it。

  Paul:It’s quite exotic for me to celebrate a birthday according to the lunar calendar. It’s so different than our culture. I guess that makes life interesting to have different cultures come together and coexist。

  第三章 餐厅用餐 第一节 外出就餐前  31商定餐馆

  你想到哪里吃晚餐?Where would you like to go for dinner?

  你想好去哪家餐馆了吗?Do you have any particular restaurant in mind?


  Could you recommend some good restaurants around here?


  I suggest you take them to a decent French restaurant。

  这家餐馆供应地道的川菜。This restaurant serves real Sichuan cuisine。


  It’s considered the best restaurant in town。


  This French restaurant is famous for its desserts。


  The restaurant over there has a better wine selection。


  This restaurant is more expensive than that one。

  Deciding on a Restaurant

  Samantha:Hi, Julius. I’m treating Mr. Lee and his team members from Gallup to dinner tomorrow evening. Where do you think I should take them?

  Julius:Well, Mr. Lee has a very good taste in wine, and Gallup is one of our biggest clients. I suggest you take them to a decent French restaurant. Make sure you make a really good impression。

  Samantha:That’s a good idea. Which one do you recommend? Les Parisians?

  Julius:Or La Place. They’re both listed in this year’s Gourmet Magazine for having the most authentic French cuisine in town. But I heard La Place has a better wine selection。

  Samantha:We’ll go to La Place. Could you book a table for four at 7 p.m.?


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