A student who graduated university with a degree in music and English has been given a job as a human scarecrow. 一个获得音乐及英语双学位的大学毕业生,接受了职业稻草人的工作。
Jamie Fox, 22, who recently graduated from Bangor University, will use a ukulele, accordion and cowbell to frighten partridges away from a field in Norfolk. 杰米·福克斯今年22岁,他刚从威尔士的班戈大学毕业,之后他要依靠尤克里里琴、手风琴和牛铃等乐器来驱赶诺福克郡乡间田地里的山鹑。
He is being paid £250 a week to wear a bright orange coat and play the instruments in a ten acre field where birds are unpeturbed by ordinary scarecrows. 这份工作周薪250英镑,要求他穿着橙色的外套在一个十英亩的田里弹奏乐器,一般的稻草人无法阻止那里的鸟雀。
His boss, Aylsham farmer William Youngs, even warned him to "bring a deckchair and a good book" for his days in the oilseed rape field. 他的雇主是埃尔舍姆的农场主威廉·扬,他的工作地点是一片油菜田,老板威廉甚至提醒他“带把躺椅和一本好书”来打发时光。
Mr Fox, who says his friends are "slightly envious" of his role, is now saving to pay for a trip to New Zealand next year。福克斯正在为明年去新西兰旅行存钱,他说自己的朋友“有些嫉妒”他的这份工作。
"I get to sit and read for a lot of the time but whenever I see the partridges, I have to get up and scare them off," he told the BBC. “我有许多时间坐在那里阅读,不过一旦我看到山鹑就必须马上起来吓跑它们。” 他这样告诉BBC的记者。
"I ring a cowbell and I've even played the accordion, but the ukulele doesn't seem to have any effect on them." “我摇牛铃,拉手风琴,不过似乎尤克里里琴对它们不起作用。”