2012美国大选奥巴马获胜 连任美国总统

2012年11月07日13:58  沪江英语 微博   

  President Barack Obama won re-election to a second term in the White House on Tuesday, television networks projected, beating Republican challenger Mitt Romney after a long and bitter campaign。在经过一段漫长而艰辛的竞选活动后,美国当地时间11月6日,美国总统奥巴马战胜了共和党候选人罗姆尼,胜出2012美国总统大选成2012美国总统大选奥巴马获胜新浪教育 功连任,将迎来执政白宫的第二个任期。

  Obama defeated Romney in a series of key swing

  states despite a weak economic recovery and persistent high unemployment as U.S. voters decided between two starkly different visions for the country。尽管在奥巴马担任美国总统的过去的四年里,美国经济复苏缓慢、失业率居高不下,奥巴马在几个关键的摇摆州获得的选票还是高于罗姆尼。美国选民在两种风格明显迥异的国家发展愿景中做出了自己的决定。

  Obama's victory in the hotly contested swing state of Ohio - as projected by TV networks - put him over the top in the fight for the 270 electoral votes needed to clinch the White House and ended Romney's hopes of pulling off a string of swing-state upsets。根据电视网的预测数据,奥巴马在大选必争之地的摇摆州俄亥俄州取得了胜利,而这使得他在大选之战中获胜,获得了超过当选总统所需的270张选举人投票,也终结了罗姆尼在一系列的摇摆州混战中燃起的希望。

  Obama scored narrow wins in Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire - all states that Romney had contested - while the only swing state captured by Romney was North Carolina, according to network projections。奥巴马在俄亥俄州、威斯康星州、爱荷华州、宾夕法尼亚州和新罕布什尔州都以微弱的优势超过了罗姆尼,而在这些地方罗姆尼都曾经前往发表过演讲。根据网络数据,唯一被罗姆尼的风采征服的摇摆州是北卡罗来纳州。

  There was no immediate word from the Romney camp on the reported results。在大选结果公布后,罗姆尼竞选阵营暂时没有发表言论。

  At least 120 million American voters had been expected to cast votes in the race between the Democratic incumbent and Romney after a campaign focused on how to repair the ailing U.S. economy。来自民主党的奥巴马和共和党的罗姆尼在竞选活动中,都把重点放在如何修复萎靡不振的美国经济上。据估计,至少有1.2亿的美国选民将选举投票。

  Obama enters his second four-year term faced with a difficult task of tackling $1 trillion annual deficits, reducing a $16 trillion national debt, overhauling expensive social programs and dealing with a gridlocked U.S. Congress that looked likely to maintain the same partisan makeup。奥巴马将迎来第二个任期,摆在他面前的任务依然很艰巨:如何处理1万亿美元的高额年度财政赤字,如何削减高达16万亿美元的国债,如何改革开支高昂的社会事业,如何应对党派斗争激烈陷入僵局的美国国会等等。

  Obama's projected victory would set the country's course for the next four years on spending, taxes, healthcare, the role of government and foreign policy challenges such as the rise of China and Iran's nuclear ambitions。奥巴马取得胜利,也以为着在接下来四年的发展道路:关于国家开支、税收、医疗健康、政府的角色,还有应对中国发展和伊朗核问题等的外交措施。

  Inside Obama's Chicago campaign headquarters, staffers erupted into cheers and high fives as state after state was called for the president。在奥巴马位于芝加哥的竞选总部,随着各州总统投票结果的出炉,工作人员们爆发出热烈的欢呼,互相之间击掌庆贺。

  Obama watched the returns on television at his Chicago home. Senior campaign strategist David Axelrod said via email that he was feeling "great."奥巴马则在位于芝加哥的家里从电视上看到了投票的结果。资深选举战略家大卫-艾索洛通过邮件表示他感到“非常开心”。

  Romney made last-minute visits to Ohio and Pennsylvania on Tuesday to try to drive up turnout in those states, while Vice President Joe Biden was dispatched to Ohio. Obama remained in his hometown of Chicago. 本周二在竞选的最后阶段,罗姆尼还前往俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州,希望能在这些摇摆州取得选票支持。奥巴马竞选阵营这边,副总统拜登也前往了俄亥俄州,奥巴马本人留守芝加哥。




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