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澳白皮书中文版错误频出 被疑软件翻译

2012年11月27日09:53  沪江英语 微博   评论

  JULIA Gillard's office wants answers following suggestions that taxpayer-funded translators used the internet to prepare the Chinese version of the Prime Minister's Asian white paper。近日澳大利亚总理茱莉亚-吉拉德发布《亚洲世纪白皮书》。然而有人指出,翻译们拿着纳税人的钱,却利用网络软件将其翻译成中文,导致错误频出。吉拉德总理办公司正在对此事展开调查。

  One critic said it looked like the job was done using the Google Translate website。一位批评人士表示,这个中文译本简直就像是用谷歌在线翻译出来的一样。

  Ms Gillard released the Australia in the Asian Century paper last month, urging schools and universities to embrace Asian language lessons。吉拉德女士上个月发布了《亚洲世纪中的澳大利亚》白皮书,提倡本国的中小学和各大院校应积极开展亚洲语言的学习。

  But the Chinese (simplified) version of the paper contained broken sentences, grammar and syntax errors, inappropriate vocabulary and incomprehensible expressions, leading many to question how it was prepared。但白皮书的简体中文版中夹杂着漏洞百出的断句、语法、词汇和短语错误,很多人对翻译版本的准备过程提出了质疑。

  Some English words were translated without preserving the original meaning, regarded as an amateur mistake。一些英文单词被生硬地翻译出来,而完全没有表达出其原意,实在是非常业余水平的错误。

  In the translation of the executive summary, the last line referring to a "highly skilled workforce" was translated into a word meaning "an army of labour"。比如在“执行摘要” 部分中,最后一行原句中的 “高度专业化的劳动力” 被翻译成 “一群劳动大军”;

  A reference to "world-beating actions" became "only one in the world". And on page 18, a reference to pathways was translated to "leading peak", but the translation also referred to a famous mountain in Hunan province。原文提到的 “震动世界的举措” 被译为“全世界唯一的”。在第18页一句关于“途径”的句子被译为了“龙头峰”,而在中文里,龙头峰是湖南省一座名山的名字。

  One Chinese national studying in Australia, who asked not to be named, told The Sunday Telegraph: "It's kind of unbelievable. I was ready to cry when I read it. It just looked like they asked some random uni student to translate。一位不愿署名的中国留学[微博]生在接受《星期日电讯报》采访时说道:“让人难以置信。我读得都快哭出来了。这简直像是随便找了几个大学生瞎捣鼓出来的译文。”

  "It is reasonable to suspect that the person who translated this white paper relied heavily on Google Translate, not their Asian language skills."“完全有理由怀疑这位译者绝大部分的工作是由谷歌在线翻译完成的,而非自己的真正亚洲语言能力。”

  The Confucius Institute at the University of Western Australia was more diplomatic. "Upon a quick review of the Chinese version, it was found to be readable and understandable, although there was room for improvement, especially in the choice of word/terms," a spokesman said。而西澳大学孔子学院的发言则比较官方。“快速翻看了一遍译文后,我认为它是具有可读性的,也容易理解。不过还是存在进步的空间,尤其在词语和术语的选择方面上。” 一位发言人说道。

  "In general, it is understandable. 'Simplified' refers to the version of Chinese characters versus traditional characters."“但总的来讲,该译本还是可以看懂的。简体中文版相对于繁体中文,指的是在字形上更为简化的版本。”

  A spokeswoman for the Prime Minister said the translation was done by a service accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters。澳大利亚总理办公室的一位女发言人表示,该白皮书的中文翻译工作,是由经澳大利亚国家权威翻译认证的机构完成的。

  "We have asked the translator to review the examples provided. If there are issues with any of the translations they will be fixed," the spokeswoman said。她说道:“我们已经要求译者们重新审核那些被指出的不当之处。 译文中出现的任何问题都将进行修改。”

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