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2013年01月24日10:11  沪江英语 微博   我有话说


  • 1-第一夫人时尚:盘点米歇尔·奥巴马的时尚瞬间
  • 2-第一夫人时尚:盘点米歇尔·奥巴马的时尚瞬间
  • 3-第一夫人时尚:盘点米歇尔·奥巴马的时尚瞬间
  • 4-第一夫人时尚:盘点米歇尔·奥巴马的时尚瞬间
  • 5-第一夫人时尚:盘点米歇尔·奥巴马的时尚瞬间
  • 6- 第一夫人时尚:盘点米歇尔·奥巴马的时尚瞬间
  • 7-Teal Marchesa
  • 8-Beaded Gown
  • 9-Beaded Gown
  • 10-Bold Blue Gown
  • 11-Jason Wu - New Beginnings

  In 2009, the fashion world waited with bated breath to see what the first lady to-be would wear to her husband's historic inauguration, and Michelle Obama did not disappoint. From receptions to black tie dinners, MObama continues to make superb sartorial choices that make fashion editors and bloggers swoon. Let's take a look back at the first lady’s best formal-wear looks.2009年,整个时尚界都屏住呼吸翘首以待,想看第一夫人将穿什么衣服参加丈夫的就职典礼,米歇尔也没有让大家失望。从招待会到正式晚宴,第一夫人对时装的选择一如既往的无可挑剔,让时尚编辑和博主们都为之倾倒。现在就让我们看看这位第一夫人最棒的几个正式装扮吧。

  Off-the-Shoulder Gown - Stunning Accessories露肩礼服,绚丽配饰

  Welcoming Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip to a reciprocal dinner in London, the first lady was the epitome of elegance in a sleek Ralph Lauren gown. To top it off, she donned a stunning statement necklace and matching bracelet. The off-the-shoulder silhouette has become one of her signature looks, and this number has us wanting four more years of gorgeous gowns。在宴请女王伊丽莎白二世和普利普亲王的伦敦晚宴上,第一夫人以一袭优雅的拉夫劳伦礼服亮相。除此之外,她还搭配了豪华项链以及配套的手镯。露出的香肩俨然成为了她的招牌亮相,也值得我们为这些华丽的长裙再充满四年期待。

  One-Shoulder Gown - Toned Arms单肩长裙,性感手臂

  Even if you're not the most avid MObama fan, you have to admit that she knows how to dress to show off her assets. For a state dinner with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and his wife Kim Yoon-ok, the first lady chose this purple, one-shoulder jersey gown with a jeweled belt. The dress by Korean-American designer Doo-Ri Chung makes us envious of Mrs. Obama's toned arms。即使你不是个米歇尔粉,你也不得不承认她知道如何利用着装来突出自己的优势。在与韩国总统李明博及其夫人金润玉的国宴上,第一夫人选择了这身紫色单肩带绒长裙,外加珠宝装饰的腰带。该裙由美籍韩裔设计师杜里设计,突出了米歇尔性感且令人羡慕的手臂。

  Couture - A Bit of Culture带点文化元素的拼接

  Not many ladies can pull off a couture gown, but MObama looked stunning in this red and black gown by Sarah Burton of the British design house Alexander McQueen. The first lady donned this statement-making number to a state dinner with Chinese President Hu Jintao. The gown's hue was widely considered a nod to China, where red historically symbolizes joy and good fortune。不是随便哪个女人都能驾驭拼接的长裙,但这身红黑颜色拼接的长裙的确让米歇尔看起来光彩夺目。该裙由英国品牌Alexander McQueen的设计师莎拉-伯顿打造。第一夫人身着该裙出席了与中国国家主席胡锦涛的国宴。媒体普遍认为长裙的色调是对中国的一次示好,红色在中国历史上一直象征着愉悦与好运。

  Glittering Gown - Layers of Pearls耀眼长裙,层层珍珠

  The first lady quite literally sparkled in the Peter Soronen gown she wore to the National Governors Association black tie dinner. She looked especially glamorous pairing the sequin gown with a pearl and crystal necklace by Tom Binns. Not to be outshined by the glittering ensemble, the first lady showed off her glowing skin and toned figure in this form-fitting number。在全国州长协会的晚宴上,第一夫人身着亮闪闪的彼得所诺南长裙。在汤姆宾斯珍珠水晶项链的陪衬下,她在这身亮片长裙中更显美丽动人。不仅是装饰闪亮的原因,第一夫人健康的肤色和身材也在该长裙中得以衬托。

  Contemporary Gown - Classic Accessories现代长裙,古典装饰

  We loved the first lady's updated take on classic black tie attire at a formal state dinner at Buckingham Palace. The white Tom Ford gown with a contemporary crisscross neckline paired with long gloves made for a sophisticated ensemble fit for meeting the Queen。我们十分喜爱第一夫人在白金汉宫对经典晚宴装的一次改进。汤姆福特的长裙,加上现代感强烈的交叉领口设计,配上一副长臂手套,这样的装扮会见女王再合适不过了。

  Bold Blue Gown - Silver Accessories蓝色长裙,银饰

  MObama wore this one-shoulder, cobalt blue gown by New York designer Peter Soronen to a state dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala. Her silver earrings, belt and shoes perfectly complement her sparkling gown. We love that Mrs. Obama matched her eye shadow to the hue of her gown and played up the bold color choice。在和墨西哥总统卡尔德龙及其夫人玛加利塔·萨瓦拉的会见晚宴中,她身着一袭由纽约设计师Peternity Soronen打造的深蓝色单肩裙亮相。所搭配的银耳环、腰带以及鞋子更凸显了长裙的美丽。还有值得称赞的地方:米歇尔总是会根据长裙的颜色选择眼影,展现她对颜色搭配的面面俱到。

  Metallic Frock - Olympic Spirit金属元素,奥林匹克精神

  The first lady was a solid-gold smash in this metallic Rodarte frock at the 2009 International Olympic Committee reception in Copenhagen. Complete with gold accessories, the ensemble evoked the spirit of the Olympics and, in retrospect, seemed to foreshadow the USA's stellar performance at the 2012 Summer Games.2009年与国际奥委会在哥本哈根的会见中,第一夫人以一身纯金的金属色亮相。加上金饰作为陪衬,这身装扮在凸显出奥运精神的同时,似乎还预示了美国会在2012年夏季奥运会上有着最好的表现。

  Jason Wu - New Beginnings新的开始

  Michelle Obama solidified her role as the first lady of style at her husband's 2009 Inaugural Ball by donning an ivory chiffon gown covered in organza flowers by designer Jason Wu. It was a look that was representative of new beginnings, evoking the message of change that President Obama promised during his campaign. Winning the inaugural-gown lottery changed the course of Jason Wu's career, catapulting his name into the blogosphere and earning him a spot in the Smithsonian Museum of American History.2009年,米歇尔正式以第一夫人身份亮相于丈夫就职晚宴时,身着由Jason Wu设计的一袭布满薄纱花朵象牙色雪纺长裙。这预示着新的开始,也象征着奥巴马总统在竞选时的变化。赢得就职长裙设计也改变了Jason Wu的事业生涯,他的名字享誉业内,也在美国史密森尼博物馆博得了一席之地。

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