
2013年02月22日11:08  沪江英语 微博   
From left: James Franco, Zach Braff and Prince Michael JacksonFrom left: James Franco, Zach Braff and Prince Michael Jackson

  Michael Jackson's son, Prince Michael, stepped into a world his late father knew well, becoming a special correspondent for Entertainment Tonight。迈克尔·杰克逊的儿子普林斯·迈克尔走上了一条他已故父亲所熟知的路,担任《今夜娱乐》的特约记者。

  by the show's Brooke Anderson, the 16-year-old interviewed actors James Franco, Zach Braff and director Sam Raimi for their new film Oz the Great and Powerful for shows airing this week。在主持人安德森的帮助下,这个16岁的少年采访了男星詹姆斯·弗兰克、扎克·布拉夫和导演山姆·雷米,为他们的新片《魔境仙踪》做宣传。这期节目将会在本周播出。

  "We have a mutual connection, and I have been working to do something with him for a while," Anderson tells PEOPLE。“我们很熟,我在此之前也和他共事过一段时间”,安德森告诉《人物》杂志。

  "I thought interviewing the cast of Oz the Great and Powerful would be the perfect opportunity, because he's a fan of The Wizard of Oz, his dad was in The Wiz and he wants to get into directing, producing and acting one day."“我觉得采访《魔境仙踪》的主创对他而言是一个绝佳的机会,因为他之前就是一个《绿野仙踪》迷,他的父亲也出演过1978年的《新绿野仙踪》。他希望日后可以涉足导演、制作和演员界。”

  So how were his reporting chops?所以他的采访技巧如何呢?

  "He showed me up big time," Anderson says. "Ultimately, he didn't really need too much guidance. I gave him pointers, but he was a natural."“他让我度过了一段愉快时光,”安德森说,“基本上,他并不怎么需要很多的指导。我给了他几点提示。他天生应该做这行。”

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