Like it or not, sometimes it's obvious when you're on the job hunt. All of a sudden you're crazy active on LinkedIn and all your connections know that you're looking for a new gig. Rather than spell out those telltale signs ourselves, we've left it up to cats, babies, and more to work their GIF magic and break it down。不管你乐不乐意,人们很容易就能看出你是在找工作。突然之间你在LinkedIn上面变得超级活跃,你的所有联系人都知道你在找新工作。靠说或许很难讲清楚这些迹象,所以我们找了些猫猫狗狗和小baby的动图图片来给你仔细分析一番。
Your social media presence goes up 10 notches。你的社交账户连升了10级。
You jump whenever any phone rings。电话一响你就激动得跳起来。
You start dressing super formal, tie and all。你开始穿得极其正式,像去相亲似的。
You can't hide your anxiety。无法掩饰地焦虑。
You spend your downtime by the printer that's spewing out résumés。你休息时间总是守在出简历的打印机旁边。
You use every social outing as an opportunity to network。你利用每次出游的机会扩充人脉。