
2013年07月16日14:58  沪江英语 微博   
卷福宣传星际迷航人气爆棚遭围堵 卷福宣传星际迷航人气爆棚遭围堵
卷福宣传星际迷航人气爆棚遭围堵 卷福宣传星际迷航人气爆棚遭围堵
卷福宣传星际迷航人气爆棚遭围堵 卷福宣传星际迷航人气爆棚遭围堵
卷福宣传星际迷航人气爆棚遭围堵 卷福宣传星际迷航人气爆棚遭围堵

  He's one of England's fastest rising stars, but it seems that he already has A-list status over in Japan。他是英国崛起最快的明星之一,但是看来在日本他已经是一线明星的地位了。

  Benedict Cumberbatch seemed a little overwhelmed as he touched down in Tokyo's Narita airport on Monday to find a sea of screaming fans waiting for him。本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇本周一飞抵东京成田机场,迎来粉丝们的一片尖叫,“卷福”看上去也被这人山人海的阵容吓到了。

  In scenes that were reminiscent of a One Direction visit, the 36-year-old actor chatted to the waiting crowd, some of whom had camped out overnight to get a glimpse of him。这让人想起了One Direction到访时的场景。这位36岁的演员和等候的人群做了些交谈,有些粉丝为了看他一眼专门在这里露营了一晚。

  The actor spoke out about his enormous fanbase, 'I was mobbed at the airport in Japan, which was not my usual sort of thing,' 'It's not what I expect when I arrive at the airport. It was amazing. Lots of fans turned out when we were recording in Tokyo,' he added。“卷福”谈到了他庞大的粉丝群,“我在日本机场被包围了,这不是我平时会遇到的事情。”他补充道,“当我到机场的时候我完全想不到会是这样,太惊讶了。当我们在东京录制节目时,有很多粉丝等在了那里。”

  The humble actor thanked the fans and said: 'I just want to say to all of you - I'm sorry I can't come round and meet you all individually, I know how long some of you have waited here and I'm very, very touched.'这位谦逊的演员感谢了他的粉丝们,并说到:“我只想告诉你们所有人,很抱歉我不能单独一个个地认识你们。我知道你们有些人在这里等了很久,我也非常非常感动。”

  'When I get home, my mum and dad don't even come and see me at the airport, so to have all of you here is so amazing.' 'Now please all go and see the film that I'm here to promote - Star Trek Into Darkness, thank you,' he added. “当我回到家时,我爸妈都不会来机场接我,所以看到你们这么多人在这里让我很惊讶。”他还补充道,“我来这里是为了宣传我的电影《星际迷航:暗黑无界》,希望你们都去看这部电影,谢谢!”


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