
2013年05月14日14:54  沪江英语 微博   
卷福落泪:因《星际迷航:黑暗无界》获好评 卷福落泪:因《星际迷航:黑暗无界》获好评
《星际迷航:黑暗无界》获好评 《星际迷航:黑暗无界》获好评


  Benedict Cumberbatch has admitted that the positive reception to his portrayal of John Harrison in Star Trek Into Darkness made him cry.

  本尼迪克特 康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)承认自己因为在《星际迷航:黑暗无界》(Star Trek Into Darkness)中扮演的约翰 哈里森(John Harrison)获得好评而感动得泪流满面。

  The Sherlock actor revealed to Access Hollywood that he was overwhelmed at the film&0#39;s London premiere, after overhearing his co-stars praise his performance.

  卷福向Access Hollywood娱乐新闻透露,在该片的伦敦首映礼上,他碰巧偷听到搭档们对他演技的称赞,这让他感动不已。

  "When I heard them saying nice things on the red carpet... that was the thing that really struck me to my core, and it got to a point - it was like a tipping point, I&0#39;d say - where I was signing something [and] I heard Zachary [Quinto] saying something very complimentary about me and I started to cry," Cumberbatch recalled.

  “当我在红毯上听到他们的赞美……那些话触动了我的心,并达到一个点——像是一个临界点。我在签名时候正好听到扎卡里 昆托(Zachary Quinto)对我的夸奖,我就忍不住哭了。”康伯巴奇回忆道。

  "I was looking down and signing and this fan said, &0#39;Are you okay?&0#39; I said, &0#39;Yeah, it&0#39;s really windy out here, my eyes are stinging&0#39;."


  Cumberbatch also admitted that he was taken by surprise at how emotional it has been to become a member of the Star Trek "family".


  "The thing that really moved me, actually, was the new family that I have in this franchise, who I&0#39;m surrounded with. You really are only as good as the people you work with and I couldn&0#39;t have wished for a more welcoming and talented bunch of people," he said.


  "I was awestruck when I first met them... Chris Pine and Zachary filled those incredibly huge, iconic shoes, so superlatively in the first film. I really am in awe - and they&0#39;re contemporaries." Star Trek Into Darkness is now playing in the UK and opens on May 17 in the US.

  “第一次见面时,我就对他们肃然起敬……克里斯 派恩(Chris Pine)和扎卡里穿着硕大的偶像鞋子,他们在第一部电影里的形象高高在上。我真的对他们心生敬畏,而他们跟我还是同龄人。” 《星际迷航:黑暗无界》在全英热播中,并于5月17日在全美登陆。


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