Business leaders didn't get to where they are today without a bit of wisdom guiding them along the way。如果没有智慧的一路相伴,这些商业巨头不会有今日的成就。
Many of them cite books — whether strategy guides or novels — that inspired them or changed the way they think。不论是经营战略还是小说,他们列举了激励和改变他们的思考方式的一些书名。
Yahoo!CEO Marissa Mayer 雅虎首席执行官玛丽莎-梅耶尔
Mayer revealed her favorite book as"The Design of Everyday Things" (2002) by Donald Norman. She said: 她透露她最喜欢的书是由唐纳德-诺曼撰写的《设计心理学》。
"I think a lot about design and products and how things should work. But it makes you notice things that can be infuriating. Like, why does my sandwich shop have meat all the way over there?At the same time, it makes you think about design in new ways, because when you use something everyday it needs to be absolutely efficient and not get in your way. It’s cool to be able to articulate and discuss that on a level that is really accessible and interesting." “关于设计、产品和工作原理,我思考了很多。但这本书会让你留意到能让你抓狂的事物。比如说,为什么我的三明治店里的肉总要从那里采购?此外,它会让你产生考虑设计的新思路,因为你每天都要使用,所以它绝对是高效又不碍事的。能在可行又有趣的层面上清晰地表达和讨论,这感觉很棒。”
Trump Organization CEO Donald Trump 特朗普集团总裁唐纳德-特朗普
Trump named "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale as his favorite book, according to ShortList Magazine. This book inspired Trump at his lowest moment when he was billions of dollars in debt. He told Psychology Today: 据Shortlist Magazine杂志透露,特朗普最喜欢的书是由诺曼-文森-皮尔所著的《积极思考的力量》。在特朗普处于失业最低谷,背负数十亿美元债务的时候,这本书激励了他。他告诉《今日心理学》:
"My father was friends with Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and I had read his famous book, 'The Power of Positive Thinking.' I'm a cautious optimist but also a firm believer in the power of being positive. I think that helped. I refused to be sucked into negative thinking on any level, even when the indications weren't great. That was a good lesson because I emerged on a very victorious level. It's a good way to go."“我的父亲和诺曼-文森是朋友。我读过他的著作《积极思考的力量》。我是行事谨慎的乐观主义者,也是相信积极乐观的力量的忠实信徒。我认为这一点帮助了我。我不愿陷入负面思维里,即使种种迹象表明目前情形不容乐观。这是很好的一堂课,因为我能以胜利者的姿态出现。这种方式值得尝试。”
Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh Zappos总裁谢家华
Hsieh told USA Today that one of his favorite books is "Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization" by Dave Logan, John King and Halee Fischer-Wright。谢家华告诉《今日美国》,在他最喜欢的书中,有一本书叫作《部落领导力》。这本书是由戴夫-罗根,约翰-金,海立-费舍-赖特共同编著的。
"'Tribal Leadership' codifies a lot of what we've been doing instinctually and provides a great framework for all companies to bring company culture to the next level," he said. 谢家华说,《部落领导力》叙写了很多我们出于本能而一直在做的事,这本书为所有要把企业文化提升一个层次的公司提供了很好的模板。
Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman 摩根士丹利首席执行官詹姆斯-戈尔曼
MS CEO James Gorman told Bloomberg Markets Magazine that one of his favorite pastimes is reading spy novels by John le Carre, the author behind "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" and "The Spy Who Came in From the Cold."詹姆斯告诉彭博社Markets Magazine,他在闲暇时间里最喜欢做的其中一件事是阅读由约翰-勒卡雷所著的间谍小说,《锅匠裁缝士兵间谍》和《冷战谍魂》的作者就是约翰-勒卡雷。
Facebook COO Sheryl SandbergFacebook 首席运营官雪莉·桑德伯格
Sandberg flipped the script in a 2013 New York Times interview when she spoke about other authors' books, not just her own。在2013年《纽约时报》采访时,桑德伯格翻了翻手稿,谈到了其他作者的书,而不仅仅是她自己的。
Among her favorites: 在她的最爱里有:
"Bossy Pants"
"Now, Discover Your Strengths"
"The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses"
"The Big Short"
"A Short Guide To A Happy Life"
"Home Game"
"Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution"
"Conscious Business: How to Build Value Through Values"
"A Wrinkle in Time"
《我为喜剧狂(30 Rock)》主演Tina Fey的自传《Bossy Pants》
Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes 时代华纳首席执行官杰夫-比克斯
Bewkes offered his reading picks to The Wall Street Journal:比克斯向《华尔街日报》提供了他的阅读书籍:
"Michael Porter's 'Competitive Strategy' if it has to be [a] business book. If anything goes, either 'James Flexner's four volume biography of George Washington' or Gore Vidal's 'Lincoln' or Doris Goodwin's 'Team of Rivals.'"“迈克尔-波特所著的《竞争策略》,如果它是一本商业用书的话。如果没有范围限定,那么读物可以是詹姆斯所著的《乔治-华盛顿》四卷版,戈尔-维达尔所著的《林肯》,或是多丽丝-古温所著的《政敌团队》。”
DuPont CEO Elle Kullman 杜邦公司首席执行官柯爱伦
Kullman told The Wall Street Journal that her book recommendations included "The Burma Campaign: Disaster into Triumph, 1942-45" by Frank McLynn, "The Thomas Sowell Reader" by Thomas Sowell, and "Too Big to Fail: The Inside Story of How Wall Street and Washington Fought to Save the Financial System – and Themselves" by Andrew Ross Sorkin。柯爱伦告诉《华尔街日报》,她推荐的书包括弗兰克-麦克林恩写的《缅甸运动》,托马斯-索维尔所著的《读者》,以及安德鲁-罗斯-索尔金的《大而不倒》。
J.C.Penney CEO Myron E. Ullman 美国彭尼公司首席执行官乌尔曼
The Wall Street Journal published an email from Ullman, listing "Transparency—How Leaders Create A Culture of Candor" by Warren Bennis, as his top book recommendation. 《华尔街日报》发表了一封来自乌尔曼的邮件,邮件里附了一本书名,由沃伦·贝尼斯编写的《穿透力》,是他的首选推荐。
"Warren Bennis was an early mentor in my business career and his new book captures much of what we impact to our top talent," he wrote. “沃伦·本尼斯是我职业生涯的早期导师,在他的新书里有很多发挥我们天赋的内容。”
ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson 埃克森美孚CEO雷克斯-蒂尔纳森
Tillerson told Scouting Magazine that his favorite book is "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand, which was named the second most influential book in America after the Bible, according to a joint survey conducted by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club. 蒂尔纳森告诉Scouting Magazine杂志说他最爱读的书是艾茵-兰德所著的《耸肩的阿特拉斯》。据美国国会图书馆和每月读书俱乐部共同开展的一项调查显示,这本书在美国的影响力仅次于《圣经》。
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson AT&T的首席执行官兰德尔·斯蒂芬森
Stephenson told Scouting Magazine that his favorite book is "The Brothers Karamazov," the final novel by 19th century Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky. 斯蒂芬森对Scouting Magazine杂志说,他最爱读的书是19世纪俄国小说家陀思妥耶夫斯基写的最后一本小说《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》。