The overwhelming popularity of "Sherlock" had fans rushing to filming sites where the cast and crew filmed season 3, the upcoming series slated to premiere early next 2014.《神探夏洛克》风行魔力势不可挡,以致很多粉丝冲到演员和工作人员拍摄第三季的地点。本剧即将来临的新一季定于2014年初首播。
In order to avoid the rush of fans that have been flocking to filming sites in London, director Jeremy Lovering revealed that some filming scenes had to be staged to purposely mislead observers。为了避免粉丝们涌向伦敦的拍摄地,导演杰瑞米·洛夫林透露,有些拍摄场景的设置是在有目的性地误导观众。
"We did a few false shots. There will be things that people saw that have nothing to do with it. That's the way we handled it," Lovering said, according to Radio Times。根据 Radio Times的报道,洛夫林说:“我们做了一些假镜头的拍摄。观众看到的有些东西其实与剧集并没有什么关系。我们用这种方法来对付疯狂的粉丝们。”
Episode 1 of the season 3 premiere will be titled "The Empty Hearse." . Episode 2 of season 3 will be titled "The Sign of Three" and episode 3, "His Last Vow."第三季第一集的标题将定为“空灵柩”。第三季第二集的标题则为“三签名”,第三集是“最后的誓言”。
The season 2 finale of the series ended with Sherlock Holmes presumed dead, and the new title leaves fans wondering what happens to the detective。此剧第二季最终集结束时,夏洛克·福尔摩斯似乎是要死亡了,而新标题更是让粉丝们疑惑,这位大侦探到底怎么样了。
A teaser trailer for season 3 shows actor Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays Sherlock Holmes, appearing to some of his friends in a 30-second clip。在第三季的预告片中,我们在一个30秒的剪辑里看到,饰演夏洛克·福尔摩斯的本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇又一次出现在他的伙伴们面前。