双语:使用iPhone 5s小心遭切手指

2013年09月12日14:44  新东方在线 微博   
使用iPhone 5s小心遭切手指使用iPhone 5s小心遭切手指


  iPhone 5S: Thieves may mutilate owners in bid to gain access to fingerprint-reading handsets, expert warns

  专家警告:使用iPhone 5s 小心手指被小偷切断!

  Apple's new model includes Touch ID, which allows users to unlock their handsets with their fingerprints


  Thieves have mutilated victims to gain access to phones equipped with a fingerprint reader, an expert has warned。


  Yesterday, Apple launched its iPhone 5S, which includes the Touch ID feature, an integrated sensor on the device's home button that reads your fingerprint in order to unlock your phone。

  昨天,苹果发布了iPhone 5s手机,它配置了指纹传感器。这个传感器集成在手机的HOME键上,通过读取指纹来解锁手机。

  Marc Rogers said the sensors can provide a convenient way to unlock gadgets while also boosting security。

  马克 罗杰斯表示:“指纹传感器不仅提供了便捷的解锁应用的方式,同时也增加了安全性。

  But they have led criminals to commit increasingly brutal robberies and even chop off phone-owners' fingertips, the chief researcher at mobile security firm Lookout claimed。


  “Fraudsters have also succeeded in lifting and duplicating prints with technology that “is only going to improve with time”, he added. “Thieves in some regions have worked out that you can force a victim to unlock a secured device, and in some extreme cases have also mutilated victims in order to steal their fingerprint。”


  The hi-tech scanners are said to work best when combined with a pin code or another security feature. “Fingerprints can be a useful addition to security but their value depends highly on the type of fingerprint reader and how it is being used - for example, the best use of a fingerprint is to provide a convenient way to unlock something in a medium to low security scenario,” Mr Rogers said。


  “Unlocking a device with a fingerprint, if done right, can be much more convenient than entering a pin code multiple times a day。”



  fingerprint n. 指纹

  equip v。配备

  feature n. 特征

  integrate n. 一体化;集成;adj. 整合的;完全的;v. 使…完整

  sensor n. 传感器

  boost vt. 促进;增加;支援;vi. 宣扬;偷窃;n. 推动;帮助;宣扬

  fingertip n. 指尖;指套   criminal n. 罪犯; adj. 刑事的;犯罪的;罪恶的

  duplicate vt. 复制;使加;vi. 复制;重复

  mutilate vt. 切断,毁坏;使…残缺不全;使…支离破碎

  medium n. 方法;媒体;媒介;中间物;adj. 中间的,中等的;半生熟的

  scenario n. 方案;情节;剧本

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