
2013年09月27日12:28  沪江英语 微博   
Here are eight most amazing Chinese food cities I've come across so far. The list is in no particular order.   下面是到目前为止我觉得最棒的中国八大美食城市,排名顺序不分先后。 Here are eight most amazing Chinese food cities I've come across so far. The list is in no particular order.   下面是到目前为止我觉得最棒的中国八大美食城市,排名顺序不分先后。
1. Chengdu, Sichuan Province   四川省成都市   Crowned as Asia's first UNESCO City of Gastronomy in 2010, Chengdu is best-known for its fiery hot pot and spicy dishes, which are characterized by the use of Sichuan pepper and are usually layered with salty, sour and sweet flavors. There are also dishes that aren't spicy at all, such as beer-braised duck.   成都在2010年联合国教科文组织列为“美食城市”,这是亚洲第一个获此殊荣的地方,成都以其麻辣火锅和辛辣菜肴而闻名。四川菜的特点就是用很多川椒,咸辣酸甜、口味多样。当然,有些川菜一点也不辣,比如啤酒焖鸭。 1. Chengdu, Sichuan Province   四川省成都市   Crowned as Asia's first UNESCO City of Gastronomy in 2010, Chengdu is best-known for its fiery hot pot and spicy dishes, which are characterized by the use of Sichuan pepper and are usually layered with salty, sour and sweet flavors. There are also dishes that aren't spicy at all, such as beer-braised duck.   成都在2010年联合国教科文组织列为“美食城市”,这是亚洲第一个获此殊荣的地方,成都以其麻辣火锅和辛辣菜肴而闻名。四川菜的特点就是用很多川椒,咸辣酸甜、口味多样。当然,有些川菜一点也不辣,比如啤酒焖鸭。
2. Lanzhou, Gansu Province   甘肃省兰州市   Synonymous in the minds of food-lovers with hand-pulled beef noodles, Lanzhou also has one of the liveliest street food night markets in China.   说起兰州,吃货就会想到手擀牛肉拉面。兰州的街头夜市小吃摊也非常的活跃。  2. Lanzhou, Gansu Province   甘肃省兰州市   Synonymous in the minds of food-lovers with hand-pulled beef noodles, Lanzhou also has one of the liveliest street food night markets in China.   说起兰州,吃货就会想到手擀牛肉拉面。兰州的街头夜市小吃摊也非常的活跃。 
3. Guangzhou, Guangdong Province   广东省广州市   The birthplace of Cantonese food, Guangzhou is thought by many as the best place to eat in China. The city of 12 million has a passionate food culture, with equal excitement reserved for the opening of a hole-in-the-wall congee joint and a high-end restaurant.   作为粤菜的发源地,广州被认为是中国最好的美食城市之一。这座120万人口的城市拥有相当丰富的美食文化,出色的粥店和高档餐馆随时敞开大门欢迎人们光临。 3. Guangzhou, Guangdong Province   广东省广州市   The birthplace of Cantonese food, Guangzhou is thought by many as the best place to eat in China. The city of 12 million has a passionate food culture, with equal excitement reserved for the opening of a hole-in-the-wall congee joint and a high-end restaurant.   作为粤菜的发源地,广州被认为是中国最好的美食城市之一。这座120万人口的城市拥有相当丰富的美食文化,出色的粥店和高档餐馆随时敞开大门欢迎人们光临。
4. Turpan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region   新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番   Lying on the northern Silk Road en route to the trading hub of Kashgar, the laidback town of Turpan has the best Uyghur food in Xinjiang. Dozens of open-air restaurants serve halal fare next to the main bazaar.   在新疆通往喀什贸易中心的北丝绸之路边上,散落着的吐鲁番小镇出产最美味的维吾尔美食。大型集市边上有许多价格便宜的露天餐馆。 4. Turpan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region   新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番   Lying on the northern Silk Road en route to the trading hub of Kashgar, the laidback town of Turpan has the best Uyghur food in Xinjiang. Dozens of open-air restaurants serve halal fare next to the main bazaar.   在新疆通往喀什贸易中心的北丝绸之路边上,散落着的吐鲁番小镇出产最美味的维吾尔美食。大型集市边上有许多价格便宜的露天餐馆。
5. Datong, Shanxi Province   山西省大同市   Shanxi is home to one of China's great eight cuisines, jin cai, characterized by the liberal use of vinegar, round breads and pastries (known as bing) and hundreds of varieties of noodles.   山西晋菜是中国八大菜系之一,特点是擅于用醋,有各种馍馍、大饼和各种做法的面条。  5. Datong, Shanxi Province   山西省大同市   Shanxi is home to one of China's great eight cuisines, jin cai, characterized by the liberal use of vinegar, round breads and pastries (known as bing) and hundreds of varieties of noodles.   山西晋菜是中国八大菜系之一,特点是擅于用醋,有各种馍馍、大饼和各种做法的面条。 
6. Qingdao, Shandong Province   山东省青岛市   This is one of China's best seafood cities. There is no better accompaniment to the city’s refreshing brew, Tsingtao, than the local shrimp, clams, geoducks, sea cucumbers and crayfish.   青岛有中国最美味的海鲜。这里还有无与伦比的爽口青岛啤酒、对虾、蛤蜊、扇贝、海参还有淡水小龙虾。 6. Qingdao, Shandong Province   山东省青岛市   This is one of China's best seafood cities. There is no better accompaniment to the city’s refreshing brew, Tsingtao, than the local shrimp, clams, geoducks, sea cucumbers and crayfish.   青岛有中国最美味的海鲜。这里还有无与伦比的爽口青岛啤酒、对虾、蛤蜊、扇贝、海参还有淡水小龙虾。
7. Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province   浙江省绍兴市   This ancient canal city is home to huangjiu, an amber-colored rice wine that's ubiquitous in Chinese cooking.   这座大运河畔的老城是黄酒的发源地,黄酒是一种琥珀色的米酒,是中国烹饪的必备调料。 7. Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province   浙江省绍兴市   This ancient canal city is home to huangjiu, an amber-colored rice wine that's ubiquitous in Chinese cooking.   这座大运河畔的老城是黄酒的发源地,黄酒是一种琥珀色的米酒,是中国烹饪的必备调料。
8. Dazhai, Guangxi Province   广西省大寨乡   Not technically a city, but Dazhai is the best destination in China to enjoy fresh food as well as a stunning natural landscape on one trip.   大寨严格意义上来说并不是一座城市,但在这里不仅能欣赏到美丽的自然风光,还能品尝到新鲜的绿色食品。 8. Dazhai, Guangxi Province   广西省大寨乡   Not technically a city, but Dazhai is the best destination in China to enjoy fresh food as well as a stunning natural landscape on one trip.   大寨严格意义上来说并不是一座城市,但在这里不仅能欣赏到美丽的自然风光,还能品尝到新鲜的绿色食品。

  Although travelers can try dishes from around China and the globe in renowned food cities Beijing and Shanghai, it is outside these major metropolises where a world of exciting Chinese cuisine awaits the true foodie。


  With this in mind and after three years of living in China and writing about Chinese food, I embarked on a six-month journey with my husband and two daughters。


  We loaded up a campervan and set out from Shanghai on July 1. We've since covered more than 20,000 kilometers and 21 provinces in our quest to see China's most remote and beautiful areas, and to taste the different regional foods along our way。


  1. Chengdu, Sichuan Province



  Crowned as Asia's first UNESCO City of Gastronomy in 2010, Chengdu is best-known for its fiery hot pot and spicy dishes, which are characterized by the use of Sichuan pepper and are usually layered with salty, sour and sweet flavors. There are also dishes that aren't spicy at all, such as beer-braised duck。


  The streets hold more than 100 varieties of street snacks, from savory jelly noodles to "dragon lifting a hand" (poached wontons drizzled in toasty chili oil, pepper corns and green onion)。


  Chef Yu Bo is a must-go. The high-end restaurant cooks sophisticated Sichuan food with awe-inspiring presentations: abalone on spiced mung bean jelly, crispy ginseng root, and tiny spheres of apple poached in syrup tinged with fiery notes of green Sichuan pepper。


  Hot pot is as ubiquitous in the city as the smell of chili. At Zigong Delicious Hotpot, the house specialty tiaoshui wa is a cauldron of fiery chili to which vegetables, noodles or other meats can be added。


  For a real taste of Sichuan's signature pepper, hua jiao, spend a morning at the Chengdu Spice Market where the locals sell and buy it by the sack。


  2. Lanzhou, Gansu Province


  Synonymous in the minds of food-lovers with hand-pulled beef noodles, Lanzhou also has one of the liveliest street food night markets in China。


  Just west of the city center, the buzzing Zhengning Lu bazaar houses more than 100 street food stalls. On offer is a broad selection of hot and cold dishes with emphasis on local Hui cuisine。


  Highlights include whole grilled fish seasoned with aromatic cumin and sesame paste (RMB 25, US$4), sweet, hot bowls of nai zhou (milk rice with sultanas, peanuts, sesame seed and beaten egg, RMB 8) and flaky pastry rou bing stuffed with meat (RMB 2)。


  No trip to Lanzhou is complete without feasting on noodles at Wumule Penhui, the 2012 winners of Lanzhou's annual pulled noodle competition. The halal restaurant makes noodles spicy enough to satisfy even the most hardened heat-seekers。


  3. Guangzhou, Guangdong Province


  The birthplace of Cantonese food, Guangzhou is thought by many as the best place to eat in China. The city of 12 million has a passionate food culture, with equal excitement reserved for the opening of a hole-in-the-wall congee joint and a high-end restaurant。


  The local cuisine is characterized by fresh clean flavors, seafood, barbecued meats and the wonderful tradition of yum cha, which is tea drinking accompanied by dumplings and small dishes。


  Congee is the way locals love to start their day, and one of the most popular vendors is Ru Xuan Sha Guo Zhou. Here, one can get a bowl of signature seafood congee any hour of the day。


  Yum cha addicts are spoiled for choice but the extensive selections at both North Garden Restaurant (where shrimp dumplings are the specialty) and Bing Sheng are exemplary。


  Roast meats are Bing Sheng's most popular order -- their roast goose is marinated with five-spice, boiled, air-dried, then roasted by a flame oven to give a succulent crisp skin。


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