Young men spend an average of two hours a week viewing pornography on the internet, a survey found。
The poll of more than 1,000 people aged 18 to 24 by BBC Radio One Newsbeat found that one in four men feared they were watching too much. In contrast young women, aged between 18 and 24 watched an average of just 15 minutes of adult material each week。
One in three light users, who spent less than an hour a week viewing porn, said they had missed a deadline or appointment as a result。
But this figure rose to four out of five among the 4 percent who were heavy users watching more than 10 hours a week - which is regarded as 'problematic and potentially compulsive' by doctors
"Those people spending large amounts of time accessing porn are not having more fun. They are more worried about themselves, more worried about what they are looking at, and report more relationship problems," Dr Heather Wood, from the Portman Clinic, said in the program。
One in three young adults who were light users felt their use of pornography had upset a partner or caused relationship problems, rising to seven out of 10 of those who watched more than 10 hours。
And one in four said viewing pornography made them less interested in sex with a partner, rising to three out of five for heavy users。
Hannah Ewens, 19, said young men were even expecting their girlfriends to act like porn stars in the bedroom。
"All the guys my age that I know watch it regularly," she told the program."Whenever they talk about sex they're having with actual girls they talk about it in the same way as they do about porn. If that's what they're learning, then that's what they're going to be taking into the bedroom. And what guys think a good girlfriend is in bed is like whatever these porn girls are doing."
英国广播公司第一频道的访谈节目Newsbeat 进行的这项调查共有超过1000人参与,年龄在18至24岁之间。其中四分之一的受访男性认为自己看色情电影时间太多,而受访女性称平均每周会花15分钟观看色情电影。
19岁的汉娜 伊文思称男孩子想让他们的女友模仿电影里女演员的动作。