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2013年11月18日17:19  英语学习杂志    
The Swedish nightingale meets Barnum The Swedish nightingale meets Barnum

  The famed soprano Jenny Lind had plenty of talent and determination. And when she came to America in 1850 she had more than enough publicity. Her promoter was the biggest showman of them all—P.T. Barnum。

  Eager to rise above his reputation as a promoter of sideshows and freaks, Barnum had risked his entire fortune on the singer that he dubbed the Swedish Nightingale—a singer whom he had never heard or seen. He saw to it that the risk paid off. When she arrived in New York, her admirers mobbed Jenny Lind. By midnight, when she arrived at her hotel, a crowd of 30,000 had gathered just to get a look at her. At one o'clock, a fire brigade 700 strong ushered in a band of 130 musicians who came to serenade her。

  Tickets for her first American concert were in such demand that they were auctioned off. The first ticket went to a hat maker named Genin who paid $225 for it and got several days' worth of fame in the bargain . At the concert 7000 shouting people crammed into Castle Garden to hear Jenny Lind sing. She received $10,000—all of which she gave to New York charities. She repeated her success in Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond, Charleston, and Baltimore。

  In Baltimore something happened that may have made Jenny Lind decide that things had gotten out of hand. She was on the balcony of her hotel, bowing to the masses below when her shawl fell. Instead of returning it, the crowd fought over the shawl, tearing it to shreds and pocketing the pieces as souvenirs. Soon afterward she backed out of her contract with Barnum—at a cost of $30,000—and completed her American tour. Several years passed before she returned to the concert stage. As for P.T. Barnum, he went into a profession for which he may have been supremely well qualified—politics。


  为了急于摆脱“穿插秀和滑稽小品推广大师”的名声,巴纳姆冒险将他的全部钱财赌在这位被他叫做“瑞典夜莺”的歌唱家身上,而这位“夜莺”他还闻所未闻呢。这次他必须让他的赌注捞回来。当琳德到达纽约后,她的“粉丝”将她围个水泄不通。当她午夜到达旅馆时,有3万人聚集在那里,以求一睹芳容。午夜1点时, 700人的消防队引来了一支由170人组成的乐队,他们特意来给她献情歌。




  (来源:英语学习杂志 编辑:丹妮)


  1. nightingale: 夜莺,女歌唱家;Barnum: 即P.T.Barnum,P.T。巴纳姆(1810—1891),美国著名演艺经理人,以主办耸人听闻的游艺节目和奇人怪物展览而闻名。

  2. soprano: 女歌唱家。

  3. showman: 演出主持人,演出者;善于吸引注意者。

  4. rise above: 克服;sideshow: 穿插表演;freak: 怪诞举动;dub: 给……取雅号。

  5. see to it that: 务必使。

  6. mob: 围住。

  7. serenade: 对……(尤指所爱的人)唱小夜曲,奏小夜曲。

  8. in the bargain: 另外。

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