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2013年12月26日12:13  沪江英语 微博   我有话说

  编辑点评:《吸血鬼日记》演员Paul Wesley和 Torrey Devitto 在今年7月爆出离婚消息后,终于在年底正式离婚。他们的婚姻开始于2011年4月。两人的婚前协议决定,男女双方收入归自己所有.。.

《吸血鬼日记》演员Paul Wesley和 Torrey Devitto 在今年7月爆出离婚消息后,终于在年底正式离婚。  《吸血鬼日记》演员Paul Wesley和 Torrey Devitto 在今年7月爆出离婚消息后,终于在年底正式离婚。

  After announcing their split back in July, Paul Wesley and Torrey DeVitto&0#39;s divorce has come to an end. The pair wed in April 2011.

  Paul Wesley和 Torrey Devitto 在今年7月爆出离婚消息后,终于在年底正式离婚。他们的婚姻开始于2011年4月。

  TMZ has the news about Wesley and DeVitto's finalized divorce, as well as details about how the prenup shook out. The document kept their earnings separate, meaning that he keeps all of his income (which is a significant amount more than what DeVitto made thanks to his "The Vampire Diaries" role). He also keeps the $730,593 he spent on the purchase of their home, while she keeps the $10,000 she put in。

  TMZ报道,Wesley和Devitto已经正式离婚,另外还曝出两人之前的婚前协议细节。两人的婚前协议决定,男女双方收入归自己所有,也就是说男方拍摄《吸血鬼日记》的钱全部都是自己的。另外关于两人的房产,Paul 花了730593美元购买夫妻一起住的房子也归他所有,女方则拿到了自己当初买房时自己出的1万美元。

  Also being split up are their collection of vehicles. Wesley keeps the Prius, Audi Q5 and Triumph Bonneville, while DeVitto keeps the Audi A4.

  财产分配也涉及了他们的车,Wesley拿到了一辆Prius和一辆奥迪Q5以及Triumph Bonneville,女方则分到了一辆奥迪A4。

  When DeVitto and Wesley announced their separation, a rep said the pair "have decided to amicably split. They will continue to remain good friends." Welsey is now dating "The Originals" star Phoebe Tonkin。

  在DeVitto宣布和丈夫离婚时,她的经纪人说,双方友善离婚,并且仍然保持朋友关系。现在Wesley正在和《初代吸血鬼》Phoebe Topkin恋爱。

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