
2014年01月06日15:04  沪江英语 微博   
BBC的观众们在《神探夏洛克》第三季首播剧集中看到了夏洛克·福尔摩斯的父母——许多观众不知道的是,他们同时也见到了本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇现实中的父母。  BBC的观众们在《神探夏洛克》第三季首播剧集中看到了夏洛克·福尔摩斯的父母——许多观众不知道的是,他们同时也见到了本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇现实中的父母。

  BBC1 viewers met Sherlock Holmes’s parents tonight and – unbeknown to many – were simultaneously introduced to Benedict Cumberbatch’s real mum and dad。

  BBC的观众们在《神探夏洛克》第三季首播剧集中看到了夏洛克 福尔摩斯的父母——许多观众不知道的是,他们同时也见到了本尼迪克特 康伯巴奇现实中的父母。

  Wanda Ventham, 78, and Timothy Carlton (real name Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch), 74, appeared in the much-anticipated first episode of series three of Sherlock in a short scene that saw them having tea with the consulting detective in the sitting room of his Baker Street flat。

  现年78岁的万达 泛森和现年74岁的蒂莫西 卡尔顿,在万众期待的《神探夏洛克》第三季第一集中客串了一把,他们与夏洛克在贝克街公寓的客厅里一起喝了下午茶。

  It finally became clear that the rather ordinary-sounding elderly couple were in fact Sherlock’s parents as he made increasingly impatient attempts to usher them out of the room。


  But despite Sherlock’s reaction to his folks turning up at his place, Cumberbatch himself says the experience was a moving one。


  “I nearly cried watching it,” the star told an audience at a premiere screening of the episode in December. “I’m so proud of them and I’m so proud of the reaction they got – and I think they’re perfect casting as my parents!”

  12月伦敦的首映礼上,康伯巴奇对一位观众说,“我看到这一幕的时候差一点哭了。” “我对他们感到非常骄傲,我对他们的演技非常骄傲——我觉得他们完美地饰演了我的父母。”

  Cumberbatch said filming the scenes had been both stressful and rewarding for himself and the two veteran actors. "It was kind of nerve-wracking. They’re actors, and they get nervous as well, and yet they were brilliant– really, really nice – to have them on set... It was a very special feeling."



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