
2015年06月02日10:14  新东方在线     收藏本文     

  You might expect that being A chef puts you at the highest risk of putting on weight, but you'd be wrong。



  New research has found that working as a teach or as an engineer puts you at greater risk of being overweight. The poll also found that being a factory worker or a scientist made you less likely to be obese。


  The poll found that those who had put on weight had done so because of they were exposed to high levels of stress and spent long hours behind a desk。


  They also cited readily available junk food as a reason for their unhealthy eating habits and a main cause for their expanding waistline。


  The survey also found that employees found controlling portions and counting calories especially challenging while at work. More than half of employees admitted to going out to eat at least once a week, and a quarter ate out three or more times a week. Just under 10 per cent reported eating lunch out of the vending machine at least once a week, while 70 per cent of workers said they snacked during the day。


  Despite more than half of all workers feeling overweight, nearly 6 of 10 employees said they work out on a regular basis. Just under 50 per cent percent went to the gym at least three times a week. Around 30 per cent said they did exercise, but not regularly, and 11 per cent didn't exercise at all。

  尽管一半以上的人觉得自己体重超重,但60%的员工表示会定期去运动。有一半的人每周至少去健身房3次。约三成的人说他们会锻炼,但是不规律,而 11%的人从不锻炼。

文章关键词: 职业体重减肥变胖

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