
2015年03月10日14:42  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Builders are hiring Portuguese bricklayers on £1,000 a week because not enough Britons can do the job。建筑商出每周1000镑雇佣葡萄牙砖瓦工,因为英国实在是缺少可用的人手。

  Skilled workers are in such short supply they can demand double the normal day rate of £100.技术娴熟的工人太稀缺了,他们可以要求每天100镑的工资翻倍。

  A month ago the Mail revealed that a similar labour shortage had forced the UK’s biggest sandwich manufacturer to recruit in Hungary because it could not fill its production line with local workers。一个月前,《每日邮报》报道了英国最大的三明治工厂劳动力短缺而到匈牙利去招聘,因为在当地没有足够的工人开启产品线。

  Portugal has become a hot spot for builders while energy firms are hiring Spanish engineers, according to James Hick of recruiters Manpower。据人力资源招聘处的詹姆斯·西克所说,能源公司正招聘西班牙工程师,而葡萄牙成为了建筑商的招聘热点。

  ‘There is a severe shortage of skilled tradespeople

  in Britain – bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, mechanical engineers, HGV drivers,’ he added. ‘Where they were paying £500 a week at the beginning of the year, the demand for those skills means they are now paying £1,000 a week。“英国现在技术娴熟的工人严重稀缺——砖瓦工,水管工,电工,机械工程师,载重物货车司机,”他补充道。“在年初的时候他们还是500镑一周,现在技术需求已经让他们的工资涨到1000镑一周。”

  ‘That pressure on skills is huge, particularly in the construction industry in the South East and London.’“技术压力是巨大的,尤其是在伦敦东南的建筑业。”

  He accused UK firms of halting training schemes in the downturn and being left short when construction picked up。他控诉英国公司在这种低迷期停止培训课程,而且在加快建设的时候人手不足。

  ‘That is not something that can be resolved quickly, but companies need people who can work now, so they have had to put up pay and look elsewhere’, he added。“这不是可以马上解决的问题,但是公司需要马上能工作的人,所以他们只能提高薪水到别处找人,”他说。


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