

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年02月13日 23:49   新浪考试


  She is as cute as a newborn kitten.

  You are my star in the night.



  If we succeed, what will the people say?

  Suppose it rains, what shall we do?

  Persevere(坚持)and you'll succeed.

  2) 虚拟条件句

  If I were a teacher, I wouldn't scold my pupils like that.

  If you had seen it, you would have been moved.

  3) 反条件句

  Unless you try, you'll never succeed.

  Don't move, or/ else/ otherwise I'll shoot.

  4) 唯一条件句

  If only I have another chance, I shall do better.

  Only in this way can we learn English well.

  So/ As long as we don't lose heart, we'll succeed.

  5) 推论条件句

  Since that is so, there is no more to say.

  Now that you are a grown­up, you must stop this behavior.



  When I see him, I'll tell him.


  You'll grow wiser as you grow older.

  Work while you work, play while you play.

  He worked, at the same time/ in the meantime/ meanwhile he listened to the music.

  3) 限制时

  Every/ Each time when I went to his house, he was out.

  By the time that we got there, he was out.

  4) 交替时

  Sometimes he sings, sometimes he dances.

  At one time the baby cries, at another it talks.

  5) 先时

  I stopped him before he began to talk with me.

  6) 后时

  I'll tell you after I finish it.

  7) 紧接时

  As soon as I see him, I'll tell him.

  Once you begin, you must continue.

  The (very) moment/instant (that) I saw him, I recognized him.

  On hearing the news, she bust into tears.

  Hardly had I seen the light, when I heard a loud thundering.

  8) 延续时

  I haven't seen him since I came here.

  A friend is never known till/ until a man has need.



  Where have you been?

  Where there is a will, there is a way.

  2) 方位

  Hebei lies in the east of China.

  Japan is/ lies to the east of China.

  The house faces (to) the south.

  He is sitting in the front of the classroom.

  He is standing in front of/ before me.

  He is sitting at the back of/ behind me.

  He is sitting at the back of/ at the rear of the classroom.

  He is sitting next to/besides me.

  He is sitting close to/ near me.

  At the top of/On top of the shelf, there are some books.

  He is sitting on the left/ right.

  The mountain you see to the right is the Purple Mountain.


  He didn't go to school because he was ill.

  Since we are all here, let's begin our meeting.

  It might rain yesterday, for the ground was wet.

  Now (that) we have finished the work, we can go home.

  I am glad to meet you.

  I am sorry that I hear you have been ill.

  I owe you a lot of thanks for your kindness to me in all these years.

  That is why he failed to come.

  He didn't come because of/ on account of the weather.

  He went out of curiosity.

  I succeeded thanks to his help.

  This failure is due to the fact they lack experience.

  Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilled.

  For what reason did you choose this?

  What's the point of asking him to do that?

  How come you never told me about it?

  What with the wind and what with the rain, our walk was spoiled.


  He stopped aside so that she could go in.

  He sits in the front in order that he can see words on the screen clearly.

  He gets up early so as to/ in order to have time to do exercises.

  He repeated it for fear that there should be any mistake.


  It was very cold, so that the river froze.

  They cost a lot of money, so/ therefore we use them carefully.

  He is such a good man that every one likes him.

  He ran so fast that no one could catch him.

  He hurried to the house only to find that it was empty.

  I was caught in the rain. As a result, I had a bad cold.


  How often do you write to your parents?

  How long do you stay at home?

  It is so beautiful that we all love it.

  Maybe the task is too much for you.

  He is too excited to speak.

  He is not old enough to know this.

  The letter must be sent as soon as possible.

  You must work as hard as you can.

  As far as I know, I can speak only English.


  Though/ Although he is rich, (yet/ still) he doesn't show off.

  Young as he is, he know a lot of things.

  Even if/ though he succeeded, he was not proud.

  No matter what you say, I'll still try to do it.

  Keep calm, whatever/ no matter what happens.

  In spite of this, we must go ahead with our plans.

  Regardless of/ In spite of/ Despite all the difficulties, we'll fight it out to the end.


  I searched everywhere but could not find him.

  You may go, only return quickly.

  He is seriously ill, still there is hope of his recovery.

  It looked like rain, however it was clear in the afternoon.

  He is still young, yet he is high up in the position.

  He didn't tell me the truth, I know it, though.


  I think/ say/ suppose/ expect/ believe/ hope so.

  Why not come earlier next time?

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