

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月20日 12:36   新浪教育微博

  新浪教育讯 日前第十届全国创新英语大赛工作已正式启动,以下为第六届全国创新英语作文大赛优胜作文选登:


  Directions: Some people maintain that universities are the best place for young people to receive higher education; other people believe that young people can be equally educated by taking correspondence courses or going to evening classes and open universities in their spare time。

  Write an article of about 300 words in which you compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of formal university education and informal higher education. Which do you think is more effective and desirable? Support your argument with appropriate examples or illustrations。















  ■能否分段落陈述,各段落有合适的主题句(Topic Sentence)和辅助句(Supporting Sentences);








  Informal Higher Education Serves Better

  姓名  黄沁  江苏省南京市南京师大附中  学校  高二(13)班级  准考证号 0413

  Although most students are still fighting for the diploma in universities after graduation from high school, it has been a clear trend that more and more students choose to start their working career earlier and receive informal higher education, which in my opinion, serves better to build more competition (competitive) and suitable personal abilities。

  Informal higher education offers better opportunities to adapt to social life for students, and help them understand better the reality of their social community and responsibilities they are to take. Compared with those who spend entirely their time in the (on) campus, students who take evening classes could contact with more people, develop their communication skills and social behaviors during working hours. They know better how cruel and realistic the society is and that it is your power and capabilities that only speak. They understand and adapt better to the pressure of life’s difficulties which in universities could hardly be realized。

  Secondly, after experiencing real working life, these (those) who attend correspondence courses would know better what kind of knowledge and abilities they must master, which definitely help them in future advancement and career choices. Suppose you’re a graduate from high school and become an assist of a car repairing workshop. Then you’ll have to know how the engine and different parts of the car works and how to deal with various crisises (emergent problems). Therefore, night schools’ education (evening classes) would enable you (插入 to) acquire more specialized knowledge which are fit to you. However, in universities, you have to learn a great many courses, some of which are comparatively useless and can even make you bewilded of future (bewildered to the future)。

  Furthermore, as they have more time to manage for themselves, students drop higher education in universities could earn some money and gain earlier start in career. These will ease their families’ burdens and satisfy their desire for basic money needs. As a matter of fact, nowadays, more than a few American teens abandon university’ s education and try to become a worker like air-conditional repairer (air-conditioner repairman) who can earn as much as $ 30, 000 for the first year. Thus, their decisions benefit themselves and their families。

  Conclude (To conclude) from all the facts talked above, we can safely arrive at the summary that informal higher education is more efficient and serves better. It make (makes) you ahead of others in career development with more competitive skills, fit knowledge, pre cious experiences of social life and more leisure to earn some essential financial supports. As we’ll one day indulge ourselves in the real soci (walk into the realistic society,) informal higher education serves better for our present and future developing. (development)

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