

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月20日 12:36   新浪教育 官方微博

  Universities or Informal Education?

  姓名  刘钥铭  辽宁省本溪市高级中学  学校  高二十五班班级  准考证号  0125

  It is an undeniable fact that, nowadays, a controversial debate has (插入 been) risen as to whether universities or informal higher education is more essential for students, (which is more essential for students, universities or informal higher education). People vary in their opinions on this question。

  Those who are in favor of universities often provide the following evidence. First of all, universities are run by the government and seem to be more reliable, whereas informal higher education is short of serious disciplines. Moreover universities have the incomparable merits that with students living in their dormitories they provide (are provided) plenty of time to gain the knowledge they long for。

  Nevertheless, there are also people who set forth a totally opposite idea. They claim that there are various kinds of informal education ranging from correspondence courses to open universities and evening classes, from which students can choose freely according to their own needs and likes. Furthermore, students can get more spare time to step into other activities or continue their work during the daytime. While in universities, students have to stay inside all day. This, of course, will reject those workers who have an appetite for knowledge and want to further their study。

  From my perspective, I think the former group’s idea is more favorable. Three key components account for my choice. First and foremost, with a longer history, universities provide students with more accurate knowledge and can equip them better for their future career. What’s more, during the four years of acdamic (academic) life, students can broaden their eyes, deepen their understanding, sharpen their mind and maintain specialized training. Last but not least, it is commonly accepted that universities are more experienced in education and have a better environment for students to develop themselves both mentally and physically。

  Taking all these factors into consideration, I confidentally (confidently) come to the conclusion that one should give priority to universifies. Only in this way can they arm themselves with more knowledge and perfect their personalities。

  University, a Better Choice

  姓名  卢亦岑  辽宁省沈阳市东北育才  学校  高一9班级  准考证号  0083

  Today, more and more students choose to go to universities after their (they) graduate from high school. The motive varies from individual to individual. Meanwhile, there are also a number of people argue that for juveniles, taking correspondence courses or going to evening classes and open universities in their spare time would be a better choice, since these students, who are new-comers of the society, can learn much more outside the classroom. To determine which is more desirable, we should look into further details。

  It is a simple yet universial (universal) law that for adolescents, study is a never-changed thing to do. Consequently, students may never take the pain to ponder: why I go to school? (插入 When) answering the question why they go to universities, they may say, “to learn more academic knowledges (knowledge), to made new friends, to look for a higher-paid (well-paid) job and so on。” Universities, nevertheless, have the ability to offer young peoples (people) who are of an age a large platform, which let them to meet, to compete, and to learn from each other. The impact that universities have had on our society in general, is undeniable. Lots of people when reminded (recalling) of the old days in university, would say, that four years are golden, since (for) it provided them lots of opportunities. Though painstaking and time-consuming in many people’s eye, the function that university as a refinery of the young is highly valued and of essence。

  On the contrary, evening classes and so on so force (去掉), would stand in a lower position for its lack of communications. Say, students come from a single (the same) city, not even a country. Unlike the exotic faces in a university campus (去掉), students of a (an) evening class are not at all diversified. In addition, it is no doubt that in a broad sense, no one can garantee (guarantee) that those student (students) will be under a condition of “learning” during the free time of a part time (part-time) class. Will all of them, our future elites, go to work or read books in libraries? Hardly. Gone are the days when knowledge is highly valued. It is a time now, when technology is accumulated by multiplying, and at the same time becomes more and more entertaining. Internet, TV, ... all kinds of things will lead to a consequence that students’ concentration be distracted. As a result, the detriments of evening class will overweigh its benifits (benefits)。

  When the issue comes to my current situation, I will definetly (definitely) choose go to universities without any hesitate (hesitation). However, part-time classes would be a better choice under only one circumstance. It only benefits people who have high self-control, who are virtually minority in quantity。

  姓名  耿侠英  山西省太原市外国语  学校  高601班级  准考证号0382

  There was a time when people believed in the simple truth that one couldn’t have a bright future without a university-education degree. Have you ever been deeply convinced about this opinion? Have you ever tried to prove it? Is it true that the informal education is a kind of the worst choice?

  There is no doubt that being admitted to a key university is a good way to success. Being in our ideal universities, we can enjoy the various kinds of school lives and find (discover) ourselves while working in students’ communities. With joyness (joys) and happiness, we grow more mature and knowledgeable and get a harvest of precious experience. We let out all our intelligience (intelligence) in university and make friends with each other. What’s more, we receive a high level of education which is given by qualified and experienced professors. In a word, we make big improvements during the colorful and fruitful school lives. But at the same time, the formal university educations may lead to the unfairness between the general students. A great many students are forced to give up the chance to go to university for the lack of money. Considering this, we may ask ourselves ff it is the only way for every one to catch their dreams。

  With the development of the education, there exists (exist) many informal higher education schools like evening classes and open universities. We must notice that these social schools have indeed helped many students solve their problems in education. A part of people could take lessons (receive education) and go on working at the same time. For some people, it is another way to fulfill their broken (unfulfillable) dreams of universities. According to the basic condition of China, the informal education really does a good job a- bout the necessity of so many people’s education, and help to improve the quality of people in general. Besides this, people can experience a different concept of education if ones have (one has) already got bored with their majors and want to learn more。

  In my opinion, it is alright for everyone to do what they love to, to be what they love to be, for we are different from each other. We all have our own goals and dreams. Everyone is fair (equal) and every one has the right to realize their dreams. The most important thing is that we want to study, we want to make progress and we want to be someone. Although there are so many praises and abuses about our choices, we should stick on (to) our ideas just for the simple reason that we’ll make it only if we keep on studying. Believe me and believe in this idea: no one can stop you except yourself, (插入 and) your choice can be right just because you believe it is right, after all, impossible is nothing!

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