

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月20日 12:36   新浪教育 官方微博

  Which Kind of Universes is Better, Formal Ones or Informal Ones?

  姓名  杨铧铧  浙江省杭州市杭州外国语  学校  高一10班  准考证号  0257

  Nowadays, universities are considered to be the best place for young people to receive higher education, but where to receive receive (去掉一个) the education is better, formal universities or in- formal universities is being argued by many people. In my opinion, I prefer formal universities。

  Firstly, formal universities can create a better study environment for students, For example, Tsinghua University covers an area of 80 acres. There are not only many different kinds of teaching buildings, but also two big lakes as well. The students in Tsinghua can read books comfortably near the lake, so that they can learn more efficiently. But, how about informal universities? There are only several teaching buildings and the equipments are usually old. So how can they study as efficiently as those in formal universities?

  Secondly, the students of informal universities’ main job (the main job of the students in informal universities) is different from those in formal universities. Students in informal universities often have to work in the daytime. After a whole day’s work, they must be quite tired. This will have a negative effect on their study in the evening. But the students in formal universities can study with all the concentration. They don’t have to care about other things. Obviously, they can learn more and better。

  Thirdly, since the students in formal universities live in the school, they can have wonderful school life. This is a period of precious experience for them. And students in informal universities can not have it。

  Lastly, and the most importantly, the qualities of the students are different. Students in formal universities are much more professional on the subject than those in informal universes, for they are taught by the best professors. The companies will prefer the students who graduate from formal universities, because they have more knowledge on the subject。

  So, even though informal students are more convinient (convenient) than the formal ones, formal universities can give the students more knowledge and experience. So in the whole, formal universities are better for students to receive higher education than informal universities。

  Formal Better, or Informal Better?

  姓名  苏冠男  辽宁省鞍山市第一中学  学校  08届21班  准考证号  0280

  When it comes to our future, majority of students may say that they are in want of to receive (receiving) education in universities. The others may say that they can also be equally educated by going to evening classes in their spare time. And which is better?

  Universities are like small societies. Teenagers can be taught how to live alone (independently), how to deal with matters and communicate with others. Universities also offer high (professional) technological instruments to meet the demands of students’ desire of (for) knowledge. Though formal (Formal) as the university is, students there may get less experience by using what they learnt. Lacking (Lack) of experience may become their Achilles’ heel when hunting for a job。

  To go to evening classes to receives so-called informal higher education is a not bad choice to thoes (those) who cannot have access to higher education but still have a (an) appetite for knowledge. Working experience is gained in their working time, and mean- while they have more chances to put thoery (theory) into practice. Working and studying hard may make them tired, but if they can ad- here to it, success will also come to them. After studying they may receive no degree is (and this is) a shortage。

  It goes without a saying “Never be late to learn”. In my point of view, sticking to studying is a good matter. Whether receiving formal or informal higher education, if you really get something from learning, we (you will) reach the goals. Work, a good work but not only a degree is what we really want. It is universally acknowledged if we have ability to go to universities to receive formal education, we go where; if we don’t, we won’t. Formal or informal education depends on what you like and your ability. But if you work hard and learn more, success will wave to you!

  姓名  韩金萍  山东省章丘市第四中学  学校  05级1班  准考证号  0434

  As I consider the two different ways of getting education, a pro- verb suddenly occurs to me: All roads lead to Roman. Though the purposes go to the same one--to get knowledge, I have my own preference。

  Before rendering my opinion, I think it is important to take a glance at the arguments on both sides. People who support formal university education often give some, or even all of the following reasons. The threshold reason is that formal education is common, at (去掉) home and abroad. Attending formal universities, we are more likely to make more friends and take part in all kinds of activities. The second involves that formal university education costs less, and the universities provide scholarships for top students, which attracts most students especially those coming from backwoods or those who are mentally independent. In addition, it is believed by a vast majority of people that teachers in formal universities are better, which I think is true in a way. The last but not the least important is that formal universities offer more courses that students can take if interested。

  People who deem informal higher education as equally good claim that young people will make full use of time by receiving this kind of education, because the young do not need to be on campus all day long but can choose to work or do other things worthwhile, which benefits the young who are living on their own, struggling to pay the high expenses in big cities. What’s more, they hold that on the substantive level, higher education requires the ability to learn by oneself from students. Based on this point of view, there will be no difference of the results on condition that students are self-discipline (self-disciplined) and hard-working。

  Personally, I regard the love for knowledge as the premier factor making a good student; therefore, it seems that the two share equal advantages when we focus on more studying. However, I do hope to be a student of formal universities like Peking University. Anyway, I love a library with numerous books and am in need of certificates and diplomas. I will also take evening classes when necessary. To choose this or that is a matter of balancing between which suits one person better。

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