

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月20日 09:05   新浪考试

  55. What used to be the danger in being a man according to the first paragraph?

  [A] A lack of mates.

  [B] A fierce competition.

  [C] A lower survival rate.

  [D] A defective gene.

  56. What does the example of India illustrate?

  [A] Wealthy people tend to have fewer children than poor people.

  [B] Natural selection hardly works among the rich and the poor.

  [C] The middle class population is 80% smaller than that of the tribes.

  [D] India is one of the countries with a very high birth rate.

  57. The author argues that our bodies have stopped evolving because____ .

  [A] life has been improved by technological advance

  [B] the number of female babies has been declining

  [C] our species has reached the highest stage of evolution

  [D] the difference between wealth and poverty is disappearing

  58.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

  [A] Sex Ration Changes in Human Evolution

  [B] Ways of Continuing Man’s Evolution

  [C] The Evolutionary Future of Nature

  [D] Human Evolution Going Nowhere

  [第55题答案及题解页数] C 第页

  [第56题答案及题解页数] B 第页

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