

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月26日 15:49   新东方


  例:After the Civil War, the South suffered from both economic hardship and drastic social change. ____1____ During the post-Civil War era, the Klan was very popular among southern whites.

  [A] These changes were brought out by the quick abolition of slavery, on which most Southern slave owners depend to make a living and expand their wealth. When their profits dramatically dropped, they harbored profound hatred against the slaves and the north.

  [B] For centuries, the south had relied on slaves to harvest crops at plantations. When the slaves were freed, the plantations weren’t being worked on anymore, causing the owners to lose a lot of money. When this happened, six former Confederate soldiers started a hate group called the Ku Klux Klan.

  解答:能让1处与上下文都构成最佳关联的选项是B。因为虽然A选项与1前面的句子有两个关键词重现关联,却没有与1后面的句子相同的关键词;而B选项虽然只有the south与上文构成关键词重现,但同时还有Ku Klux Klan与下文中的Klan构成关键词重现,因此B选项与原文上下文的关联程度要超过A选项与上下文关联的程度,因此成为最佳选项。


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