

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月26日 15:49   新东方


  例: One of the fist things we try to find out about a person is what his job is. I suppose the reason is that it helps us to define his status. I cannot deny that I am just as curious about people’s jobs as the next man. ___3___ The trouble is that we often choose a career for the wrong reasons….

  [A] But the next man is never hesitating in talking about other people’s jobs, I am.

  [B] But I am not so much interested in what a man does as how he came to choose that particular line of work in the first place.

  [C] Normally we don not have trouble predicting a man’s job by his dress and the way he talks.

  [D] In most cases, one’s choice of one’s jobs is determined by such a diversity of factors as one’s education, one’s family, and one’s ideology.

  解答:能让3处与上下文都产生最佳关联的选项是B。B选项中的interested in和上文中be curious about构成同义转化关联,particular line of work与下文中的a career构成同义转化关联。同时B选项中的choose和下文中的choose构成关键词汇重现关联。A、C、D与上下文的关联性都远远弱于B选项。

  技巧点拨:由于同义转化关联在英语篇章中的出现频率相当高,所以在准备考研的过程中,要特别注意积累同义词汇,把意思相同或相近的表达法进行经常性的归纳和总结,对答对这类题型具有至关重要的作用。比如:dedicate to==devote to==commit to; indifferent==apathetic; etc.


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