

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月26日 15:49   新东方


  (1)…A…+but, yet, however, nevertheless, nonetheless等+ …B…:预示B的语义要在A的语义基础上发生转折,语义甚至会完全与A相反。

  (2)or; and; as well; as well as; both… and … ; not only… but also; either…or…; neither…nor…等:预示连词前后的内容在语义上是一致的、并列的、或性质相同的。

  (3)…A…+because; because of; due to; owing to; for the reason that; for; since; as; in that 等+B: 预示B的内容是A的原因。

  (4)…A… +so; therefore; result in; lead to; consequently; as a result; as a consequence; for this/that reason; contribute to等 + B:预示B是A的结果。

  (5)even though; though; even if; although; now that; +…A…, B:预示A与B之间是让步关系,即“虽然A,但是B”

  (6)…A… +in order that; so that; so as to 等+…B…:预示B是A的目的。

  (7)if; only if; unless; as long as; so long as; provided that; on condition that等+…A…, …B…:预示A是B发生或成立的条件。

  (8)…A…+in fact; indeed; actually; particularly; in particular; more importantly; most important of all; what really matters is; as a matter of fact等+…B…:常常可能预示两种情况:第一,B的内容包含在A中,但是是A中最典型的,即二者是强调关系;第二,A的内容并不完全真实,B才是真正的情况,即二者是转折关系。

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