

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月26日 15:49   新东方


  (1)主题关联:指上文和下文都是围绕同一主题展开的,这类关联往往由于主题的重复出现而呈现出关键词汇重现关联的特征。(例子详见基础训练篇Passage 18的第42题)


  第一,以大写字母开头的专有名词,如UN, IMF等

  第二,出现数字或货币符号,如$3 billion, ¥11.5 million,等



  例:Matrix's first product is a memory chip—an easier design and manufacturing task than a full-blown microprocessor chip of the sort that provides the guts of a computer. __6.3__ That is well under a third of the price of comparable flash-memory cards. The principal disadvantage is that, unlike flash cards, it cannot be wiped clean for reuse. Matrix's chips can record data only once.

  [A] But, while that solves one problem, it creates another. For making such a multistory chip is hard.

  [B] But the real principal advantage of matrix's memory chip is cost. The 64 megabyte version, which can hold about two hours-worth of music, costs less than $10.

  [C] For this obvious disadvantage, the multi-story chip is still under intensive research and experts say it still takes years before they are successfully marketed.

  解答:能让6.3处与上下文产生最佳关联的选项是B。B选项提到了“principal advantage”,而下文提到“principal disadvantage”,二者谈论同一个事物的主要优点和缺点,构成互补关联;同时,B选项中提到cost,而下文提到price,构成同义转化关联。


  advantage & disadvantage expensive & cheap the rich & the poor

  developed & developing right & wrong rational & irrational等


  例:Even as moralists and activists continue to debate homosexuality, many species casually practice it. 6.4 Human beings----a lot of them anyway----like to do it too, but of all the planet’s species, they’re the only ones who are oppressed when they try.

  [A] So their arguments are comparatively pale in front of reality.

  [B] Many have put different animals in the lab for experiments.

  [C] Giraffes do it; goats do it, birds and dolphins do it.

  [D] Even if some animals don’t, they only represent a minority.


  技巧点拨:“综述——分述”关联常常在议论文中提出观点的地方出现:作者提出观点以后,为了支持观点,往往提出实例进行论证;也会出现在说明文中提出新的概念或下定义的地方:当作者提出某种新的概念或定义,为了帮助读者更好地理解,往往举出具体内容帮助说明。这种题目的综述部分往往出现在文章或段落的开头,而且综述往往采取定义式,即“A is B”或“A does B”的结构。而分述部分常常具有以下特点:

  第一,常常包括举例或列决词汇,如for example, such as, like, for instance, take……as an example, a case in point is……, namely, that is, etc, and so on, 等等;





  例:__6.5__ Unforeseen events and accidents aside, the evidence is now strongly in favor of the appointment of internal candidates to succeed the departing chief executives of big companies. This should mean that boards which turn to outsiders should have to give shareholders compelling arguments for doing so.

  [A] This could be made worse if the search drags on, like the long-drawn-out affair at Walt Disney. There Michael Eisner, its deeply entrenched boss, was forced to give up the chairmanship by dissatisfied shareholders in March and has said he will step down as CEO when his contract ends in September 2006.

  [B] Even when succession planning works triumphantly, however, it can be undermined by accidents. McDonald's boss, Jim Cantalupo, died of a heart attack in April this year while attending a company convention. Within hours the board had replaced him with their pre-agreed successor: Charlie Bell, a 43-year-old Australian. But Mr Bell almost immediately had to undergo surgery for cancer from which he has not yet fully recovered.

  [C] They found that, other things being equal, relay succession produces a significantly better financial performance than the alternatives—selecting an outsider, who inevitably lacks knowledge of the firm, or holding a competition between internal candidates.



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