

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年01月09日 15:59   万学海文


  As is illustrated/depicted /conveyed/revealed/betrayed/shown in the picture, (图的内容 原则上用一个主从句表达, 功底.两句合一句的途经,1 AND连结2 WHICH或WHEREAS 连结3 非谓语 )a lady and a gentleman are watching an artificial scene on the top of a building with numerous tower blocks surrounding them. (=WHILE/ON THE OTHER HAND) Simple as it is, the drawing sets us thinking too much. (凑字数,其富余时,可省去)Accordingly, what this far-reaching/thought-provoking picture depicts is a common phenomenon in today’s society,(反映的现实) too many man-made projects such as skyscrapers have excessively been built, whereas too much natural resources including afforested land has vanished appallingly. (加以讲解) (负面词汇,作者的态度尽在不言中,回避使用 I BELIVE,I THINK 之类的句式). There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning that (主题句,尽量避免使用1 主系表 2 THERE BE结构 主张使用下列句型,1 NOTHING+BE+ADJ+THAN+TO+DO 2 ON NO ACCOUNT CAN WE 3 IT IS TIME +S +V-ED 4 IT 无主句)it is imperative to check the blind actions and activities of human beings in the urban development ,with nowadays values of scientific development echoed vigorously .

  why do we lay emphasis on this(指代词表过渡) ? several points(名词复数,总分总的标志) analyzed below might help us gain an insight into the dramatic change to which we have been qualified to bear witness. To begin with,(分述标志词) over the past decades, much arable land has been destroyed in the rush for rapid urban development. Such blind development has damaged the natural balance to the point where people only live in a box of lifeless cement and steel. What is more, most people still lack the concept of scientific development. Some urban planners and designers focus their attention simply on their immediate interests and problems ,which has in turn degraded wrethchedly the quality of our living environment. As many famous ecologists point out that a cluster of high-rise buildings in a city often overburden living capacities, which once could afford to residents enough.( 例证) Consequently/Accordingly/On balance/Therefore/It follows that, no issue in china is as basic to give an expression to inherent spirit of scientific development as restraint unbridled urban development.(此句为小节,1 与TS首尾呼应,重复原则)

  Judging from what have been argued above, people have come to realize the harms arising from indiscriminate development has been, like the Pandora’s box, the crippling force of following the values of scientific development. It is , therefore, necessary that some effective steps be made to(点主题 重复原则) lay much emphasis on the harms from blind development at the expense of the balance of ecosystem . To begin with,(以法治国) the government should make law to channel construction to the track of values of scientific development , for, if not, our descendants would be thrown into unexpected crises. In addition,(以德治国) people should enhance the awareness that environmental problems can not be separated from those of human welfare and from the process of economic development in general. Only by undergoing these measures, can we make our society, where birds are singing and flowers are giving forth their fragrance here and there, appeal to everyone.

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