

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年01月09日 15:59   万学海文


  January 20,2007

  Dear Ms Lewis:

  I am a sales representative of Gome Electronic Warehouse. I am writing to find if you are interested in a new high-tech house system which our company has just distributed.

  The system is easy to be controlled by house holder and hard to be destroyed. The system protects your house round the clock.

  If you would give me 10 minutes of your valuable time ,I could demonstrate you the effectiveness of the new alarm system. You have no obligation to buy, but if you decide to order, the installation fee will be waived.

  If you are interested , please call toll-free 1-800-8207-3660 and I will be more than happy to do a demo at your house.

  Truly yours

  Li Ming

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