

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年01月09日 15:59   万学海文

  B1-2 主题抽象型


  Can the good honesty days be back to return somebody askes. Indeed, the question itself has aroused great concern and its implication should be given deeper consideration. The fact that dishonesty going around everywhere has made us have no choice but to need dwelling upon that proverb, which goes : Honesty is the best policy.

  It must be pointed, nevertheless, that when it comes to the honesty , honesty of enterprise nowadays should still be taken more seriously. To begin with, if your company wants to win the trust and respect from consumers, you have to be honest. People are ready to love those who take honesty as their cardinal principle, whereas a liar company is not believed even no matter what he says well. In addition, if a company wants to make it especially during the fierce competition, the first qualification is honesty. No better illustration just mentioned before can be weighed than the case as listed below, 例证.Accordingly, no issue is as basic to a enterprise survival and prosperity as following the spirit of honesty.

  Obviously, from what has been argued above, efforts should be taken to build up the honesty-oriented society, or else we will be exposed to danger. For one thing, it is imperative for the government to make law to punish those who produce the the inferior and fake goods and prize those who turn out inexpensive but of fine quality commodities. For another, we should spare no effort to bring home to people the value of honesty. Only by undergoing these measures, can we say those good honesty days will be back.

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