

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年01月09日 15:59   万学海文


  Dear President,

  I am an undergraduate in the School of Education. I have several concerns about the quality of teaching in our university.

  I have discovered recently that very few our instructors are full professors; in fact, this year all of our four courses I am taking are taught by either part-time professors or assistants.

  I am not saying that the part-time instructors are not good teachers , but they have their limitations. They have no offices. As a result , they can not assign office hours for students. They are not well informed of many school regulations and events since they only come during class hours. They have little time to hear our questions and give advice for they have neither space nor time for us.

  Considering the fact that we pay big bucks t attend this university , don’t we deserve some good teaching I am looking forward to your reply.

  Truly yours

  Li Ming

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