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2013年01月17日14:24  沪江英语 微博   我有话说

  Leave it to Dad to devise a way to style the perfect ponytail in less than five seconds。交给老爸一个任务:在不到5秒的时间里给女儿扎个完美的马尾辫。

  In a recently posted Youtube video, a father puts his daughter's hair into a ponytail with the help of a vacuum cleaner。近期发布的一个Youtube视频中,这位老爸用吸尘器帮女儿扎了个马尾辫。

  The dad's vacuum technique also made a splash

  on social news site Reddit this week. Some users even wrote in that they wished their fathers had thought of this vacuum technique。这位老爸的吸尘器扎头发手艺本周也在社交新闻网站红迪网上引起了热议。有一些用户甚至写到:要是他们自己的老爸当年有想到过这门手艺就好了。

  "It just occurred to me that the reason I never went to school with brushed hair as a kid was because my dad used to get me ready in the morning," wrote one Redditor. "I thought it was perfectly normal to have crazy, tangled hair... On the bright side, he always made sure I ate breakfast!"一位用户这样写到:“我突然想到,我在读书的时候基本没有梳好头发去上学过,就因为早上是老爸帮我准备打理的。我还以为那种乱成一团的头发很正常呢!不过从好的方面来说,好在我老爸还记得让我吃早餐。”

  However, other users weren't completely sold on the idea of using a vacuum to style hair。不过也有其他的用户完全不赞成这个用吸尘器打理头发的想法。

  "In theory this is a good idea for dads, but speaking as one with a daughter I don't think it would work well in practice. I wouldn't have a clue where to look for the vacuum cleaner," wrote another Reddit user。另一位用户写道:“从理论上来讲对爸爸们来说的确是个好办法,但我自己也有女儿,我就不觉得在现实生活中会很好操作。比方说我就完全不知道吸尘器在哪儿。”

  While it's not the first time we've seen a busy dad use a vacuum to make a ponytail, it may be the fastest use of the quick hairdo technique yet。这已经不是第一次我们见到有老爸用吸尘器帮女儿扎头发了,所以也许这真的是最快的发型技术了。

  Watch how this father creates the perfect ponytail in the video above -- but don't try it at home!看看上面的视频中这位老爸是如何用吸尘器帮女儿扎出完美的马尾辫的,但请勿模仿哦!

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