父母一味夸孩子漂亮 可能伤害孩子自信

2013年06月08日11:09  中国网    






  Parents who can't help but tell their children they are beautiful may actually be harming their confidence, according to women's minister Jo Swinson。

  The senior Lib Dem warned mothers and fathers who repeatedly praise the looks of their child could be fuelling insecurities about their looks。

  Ms Swinson says seemingly innocuous comments about the hair, looks or outfit of one of their children could be reinforcing the negative message that looks are the most important thing in life。

  The 33-year-old, who does not have any children, said mothers should also be wary of moaning or boasting about their looks in front of their children for the same reason。

  Instead, Ms Swinson MP for East Dunbartonshire, said parents should praise their children's intelligence and other positive attributes to help them succeed in life。

  In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, the Liberal Democrat said: 'I know as an aunt, you fall into the trap of turning to your neice and saying, "you look beautiful" - because of course all children do look beautiful - but if the message they get is that is what is important and that is what gets the most praise, then that's necessarily the most positive message you want them to hear.'

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