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双语:斯戴夫收到的礼物 最感动人心的PS

2014年07月26日12:13  中国日报网     收藏本文     

  俄亥俄州卡利达市斯戴夫的家每天都能收到新的礼物:毯子,照片,图画。这一切都源于心碎的父亲纳森 斯戴夫在Reddit网站上提出的一个小小请求。


  纳森 斯戴夫将这张照片传到Reddit上,请求网友修饰一下这张图片,把他女儿脸上的插管抹掉。





  “直到今天,我们还能收到这些礼物。从世界各地寄来的。” 本周三,他在接受一个电话采访时说,“我甚至来不及看他们写了些什么。”

  一开始,他会回应收到的每一条回复,但渐渐他也有点应付不过来了。 尽管网友的回复大多是吊唁,但也能帮助他们走过这段艰难时光。斯戴夫现在正与一对父母联系,他们有与斯戴夫相同的经历。


  ”他们不知道这是什么,” 艾米丽 斯戴夫说,“他们只是说会注意这块东西."



  “每个人真的都尽力了。” 纳森 斯戴夫说。




  In English:

  Gifts have been arriving at the Steffel home in Kalida, Ohio, every day. Blankets, photographs, paintings.

  It started with a simple request that grieving father Nathen Steffel posted to Reddit on Sunday:

  Nathen Steffe posted this image to Reddit asking members to retouch the image to remove the tubing from his daughter's face. Credit Nathen and Emily Steffe

  "My daughter recently passed away after a long battle in the children's hospital. She was in the hospital her whole life and we were never able to get a photo without all her tubes. Can someone remove the tubes?"

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  The image of their daughter, Sophia, connected to breathing tubes is the Steffels' favorite because it captured her during one of few times she was awake. In the photo her eyes are wide open and she appears to be staring into the camera。

  Nathen Steffel said he's been a member of the Reddit online community for a while and had seen many instances of talented Photoshop work。

  He was hoping to get at least one good image. So far, he's received more than 100 photos, drawings and paintings。

  "We're still getting them today. From all over the world," he said in a phone interview Wednesday. "I can't even read what some of them say."

  Initially he responded to each message but eventually it became overwhelming. The responses helped take their minds off things even though most of them were condolences. Nathen Steffel is now in touch with a parent who went through a similar experience。

  The couple first learned there was a mass on their baby's liver during a routine ultrasound。

  "They didn't know what it was," Emily Steffel said. "They just said they'd keep an eye on it."

  They shared the news with family and friends, and when Sophia Steffel was born May 30 tests revealed a liver tumor known as hepatic hemangioma. The condition is a rare noncancerous tumor linked to high rates of heart failure and death in infants, according to the National Institutes of Health。

  Sophia was transferred from one children's hospital to another and died on July 10. She was 6 weeks old。

  "Everyone did everything they could," Nathen Steffel said。

  The Steffels' story has drawn widespread attention and media coverage, which the couple says will help them explain Sophia's story to her brothers Tristan, 5, and Owen, 3.

  Nathen Steffel's sister told him she's comforted by all the attention -- happy that Sophia's story didn't just end at the hospital。

  "We'll have this memory forever," he said。


文章关键词: 索菲亚斯戴夫PS

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