When it comes to birthday treats, most four-year-olds would gleefully try to eat their own bodyweight in cake.
So for Alfie Rose, it was a dream come true when he was presented with a life-sized replica of himself made from chocolate sponge。
而一个叫Alfie Rose的小男孩竟美梦成真了,因为他收到了一个按照他的模样等比例做成的巧克力海绵蛋糕。
It is so realistic, it looks like a waxwork model of the boy himself – only a lot tastier.
The cake weighs two stone and was made from a dozen tiers of sponge which were then coated in chocolate and buttercream icing and airbrushed with edible food colouring.
And because the real Alfie is never far from his favourite monkey cuddly toy, an identical edible monkey forms part of the amazing birthday surprise.
It took 27-year-old baker Lara Clarke 15 hours to make, and was a gift ordered by Alfie's godmother Tammy Morris, 25, and her husband Stephen, 35.
这个蛋糕由27岁的面包师Lara Clarke完成,花费了她足足15个小时。订蛋糕的是Alfie25岁的教母Tammy Morris,以及她35岁的丈夫Stephen。
Alfie's mother Chantelle Rose, 23, said: 'I couldn't believe how amazing the cake looked, and I just cried. Alfie was so happy. He was just screaming and pointing, "It's me, it's me, it's Alfie and monkey".
Alfie的母亲Chantelle Rose现年23岁,她说:“我真不敢相信这个蛋糕竟然那么棒,我都哭了。Alfie看到了非常高兴,他一直指着蛋糕尖叫:‘那是我,那真的是我,那是Alfie和他的猴子玩偶。’”
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